Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Horn That Matters, February 1962

I admit it, I stole the title of this post from reader "Chiana". Her check is in the mail! 1000 golden pazoozas.

There are a number of things that I love about this first photo of the famous mountain/roller-coaster. Like the dramatic sky, blue with plenty of fluffy white clouds. The House of the Future is surprisingly camouflaged from this angle, it blends in with the surroundings to protect itself from predators. And how about that perfect family in the foreground... mom, dad, and a couple o' kids. Dad's even wearing a coat and tie, you don't see that anymore!

Here's a nice, dramatic angle... pretty sweet, with the Skyway being eaten by the Matterhorn. It does look like a mouth, doesn't it? I'm not crazy! My doctor said that the voices would stop! At any rate, you get the beautiful blue Monorail at no extra cost to you. Who want's popcorn?


Tinker Bell said...

Love that second shot. It makes me wish I were there right now... with some popcorn!

Anonymous said...

1000 golden pazoozas! I'm -...not rich, but a golden pazooza in the hand is worth two fake golden Autopia models on the shelf they say. The monkeys. Do too. I'm not crazy. Monkeys, go home!

Would anyone but Walt Disney have had the mivonks to say "we'll build it!" to the idea of building a mountain? Containing a metal roller coaster? In the 1950s? Would any of the many themed "mountain" rides including Space Mountains, Splash Mountains, Big Thunder Mountains, Expedition Everest mountain etc exist if The Matterhorn hadn't been built first and been freakin' brilliant? I think not! Ja meine freundlich Schnee Sliders, es ist das Horn, die Fragen.

HOF protecting itself from predators! hehe. Haven't I seen that man in the suit on TV?

What are those peeps doing on the grass behind the railing in the second pic?

Anyways, what can plus a pic of the Matterhorn? Adding the Skypails! What can plus that? Adding the Blue Monorail with Skybubble. What can plus that? Adding an ice cream cart to enjoy while hearing the ice screams of the Matterhorn riders! What can plus that? A dapper would-be Fred Astaire! No, not the guy by the ice scream, er cream cart, the young Astaire with the straw hat and flannel stylishly shufflin' away with his ice cream in hand and an image in the sands of time.

Nice to see that phrase come in handy and fun as always to see some of these vintage pics. :)

Jason Schultz said...

That second photo sure has a lot of "old Disneyland" in it, from the blue monorail to the original Skyway buckets, to the lightly snowed Matterhorn to the ice cream carts!

Katella Gate said...

That second shot is gorgeous. Could hardly be better.

Nancy said...

there is only one thing missing from the second photo...ME!

thanks for such nice pictures