Thursday, October 24, 2024

Town Square & The Plaza, June 1962

Here are two slide scans taken along Main Street beneath a cloudy, gray sky. Yes, it's that JUNE GLOOM that you are so sick of hearing me mention. I'll never stop, ha ha! 

This first photo is probably more or less what our guest would have seen after walking through the west tunnel beneath the train tracks. "I have an uncontrollable urge to roll a hoop with a stick and buy some penny candy!". Restrain yourself, sir.  I like the yellow, cream, and green colors on the Emporium (with some red highlights around the sign), tasteful and not beige as some websites claim. I would probably go up the steps to Main Street Station and ride the train around the park before doing anything else, though it is always hard to decide what to do first.

Next, we're in the Plaza, looking south, with the Castle behind us and the Coca Cola Refreshment Corner to the right. I don't like the looks of that gang of youths in light gray sweaters and jackets! "I think that's one of those gangs I've heard about, Brenda". Actually, considering that these are from June (theoretically), there are a lot of coats, it must have been fairly cool by SoCal standards. 



Nanook said...

"I don't like the looks of that gang of youths..."
Yes, they appear to be one of the many 'roving gangs of young toughs' that often proliferated throughout the Park in the early 60's. But I'd happily risk being attacked for a pack of chewing gum to experience Disneyland once again in 1962.

Thanks, Major.

TokyoMagic! said...

I've never heard of a gang called "Brenda"! Sounds pretty tough! ;-)

JB said...

1) Oh dear. Somebody left their cannon unattended. No doubt it will be engaging in all sorts of mischief and shenanigans, cannons being cannons. People who leave their cannons unattended should have their cannons taken away from them! Maybe the cannon belongs to the 'suit' sitting on the bench.
Interesting shirt on the lady in white capris (or are they pedal pushers?). Perhaps the lower 3 ft. of the Emporium is beige? Hard to tell with this lighting.

2) I'm with you, Major. Those look like hooligans for sure. Why, not one of them is wearing a tie! And at least one of them is wearing his hair down on his forehead instead of a nice short crewcut! A beatnik!
That looks like a horseless horse-drawn streetcar on the right; powered by Disneyland Magic!

I guess I'm feeling kinda goofy today. Thanks, Major.

K. Martinez said...

I think the colors of the Emporium is the best it ever was in today's pic. It never looked better than this.

Yes, that gang looks about as intimidating as the Jets or Sharks singing and dancing their way through a confrontation.

Thanks, Major.

Lou and Sue said...

I love how that one building on Main Street is sporting a flag-and-Matterhorn hat. He just needs to add a purple ostrich plume.

I’ll take June Gloom any day over rain and slippery sidewalks (thank you, bubble blasters).

Thank you, Major.

JG said...

The first photo shows 3 trash cans hiding in the crowd, with complementary colors to the Emporium, which is a great name for a shop. I know, it’s just a ten dollar word for “shop”, but I support this level of adjectival excess as well as the color scheme.

The second photo, I can only see one trash can. Possibly that gang of toughs is hijacking them. There is a little signboard with white scrollwork to the left, I wonder what that is displaying? The day’s events and performances. Etc.?

Thanks Major!


Steve DeGaetano said...

I agree with K. Martinez. The original Main Street palette was infinitely superior to the colors and patterns they use today. Pastels...Blech!

Major Pepperidge said...

Nanook, I used to read accounts from annoyed/frightened park goers who complained about the teens with attitude. Oh I wish I’d been one of those teens!

TokyoMagic!, the name puts adversaries at ease. And then… WHAMMO!

JB, I think there used to be a cannon in Pershing Square in Los Angeles, though I could be wrong. I seem to recall seeing it when I was a kid and thinking it was both weird and cool. Just like me! You can use a cannon for peaceful purposes too you know. Like… um… well, you just can, OK? A hooligan with a tie is the worst kind. They can throttle you! Don’t think it hasn’t happened. The beatnik is cool, I’ll bet he plays the bongos in his spare time.

K. Martinez, I agree with you! Those early colors on the Main Street buildings were the best. If those gang members start snapping their fingers in unison, WATCH OUT!

Lou and Sue, when you think about it, if everyone owned a hat with an ostrich plume, there would be no war. And yeah, those dumb bubble blasters. They must make a fortune on those every single day, but I hate ‘em.

JG, good grief, hiding is right, I really had to search for those trashcans. They’ve gained the ability to camouflage! I guess the Dazzle paint scheme didn’t really work. I honestly have no idea what that little sign is for!

Steve DeGaetano, OK, but hear me out… what about pink buildings? You can’t object to those!

Chuck said...

[whispered] Rumble...