Here's something a bit different! I never know what I'm going to share on "Anything Goes Saturday", but not long ago I found something that I scanned, and figured that I could use those scans today.
As you can see, I have a mysterious "Handipac Prints" booklet. What's that??
Why, it's a series of black and white photo prints that have been bound (in a fashion) into a book format. The prints are perforated for handy removal; some have come loose, but most are intact. Anyway, all of the photos feature a newly-opened "South End Superette" grocery store (I wish I knew where this was, but the chain was apparently nationwide, so... no such luck). Somebody was mighty proud of this eighth wonder of the world, and took a series of 12 pictures. I'll share most of them!
Every photo features some of the refrigerated sections of the store, perhaps that was truly a miracle of modern living whenever these photos were taken (the early 1950s?). Why, you could just stroll in off the street and purchase a cold beverage! Ahhh, pure refreshment on a hot summer day.
May I offer you a can of Mor? It's mighty meaty! I think Mor was like Spam. The customer asked for Ipana toothpaste, but she took the Mor out of confusion. Also... canned hams! Keep one in your bindle just in case.
Do they have Self Service Meats in Russia? I don't think so, comrade!
Harry Truman and Dave Garroway are suitably impressed. "Fellas, just one more, and this time I want you to gaze at that meat as if it was your own newborn child!". They were up to the challenge and happy to comply.
Bacon and cold cuts always look better in black and white, as Einstein's Theory of Relativity proved (yes, that's what that was about). Now you're hungry... go make a sammich, I'll wait for you.
Wally dropped The Beav and his friends off, and they are being treated to a cold cup of fresh lemonade. "I add mustard for complexity!" explains the nice lady. The boys have no idea what she's talking about, but they appreciate her enthusiasm.
Yes, yes, quality meat, it's all very exciting.
I SAID IT'S VERY EXCITING! Well, you might as well give me a dozen frankfurters, we're having brown bread, beans, and wienies for dinner (I've just made an executive decision). My favorite! Throw in some boiled cabbage, and... *chef's kiss*.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit to the South End Superette!