Thursday, October 17, 2024

Horse Drawn Streetcar, October 1971

There are fans of the Main Street Vehicles (like me) - I just like knowing that they are there. And if you like the vehicles, such as the Horse Drawn Streetcar, you probably like the wonderful horses that pull the Streetcars! I mean, who doesn't like a nice horse? (Horses that bite, different story!). 

Here's a magnificent Belgian Draft Horse, I always thought horses were bottled, but I guess they are on tap too. Oh man, I'm hilarious! Send me money. This fellow is huge, and (from what I understand), plenty strong enough to pull the vehicle without much trouble. I'm not sure if it is ever OK for guests to interact with the horses - it's best to ask the driver, at least, but it often occurs to me that many young people (and even a lot of older folks) have never seen a live horse up close before.

I want to give him a carrot, or maybe a sugar cube (my understanding is that horses would not appreciate my Thermos full of Beef-a-roni - you learn something every day!). I recall a Disney News article decades ago that gave details about how pampered these animals are, and it made me glad to know it.

EXTRA! EXTRA! Our friend Bu emailed a recent photo from the Firehouse at Disneyland, in relation to yesterday's post. I got home too late to share it then, but I wanted you to see it, so you can take a look and compare it to the vintage photo from the other day. Here's what he said: …interesting how they covered up the buttons…they must still be there underneath that frame.  I like the buttons better.  Also interesting that they took out the sconce to the left: and just covered it up.  There’s other interesting forensics here: I’m glad to see most of the firehouse still intact! THANKS, BU!


Nanook said...

"Beef-a-roni" - oh, how out-of-it can you be-! It's Rice-a-Roni for those fine horses - or in a pinch - Stove Top Stuffing-!

@ Bu-
Thanks for the updated image. My, how things have changed.

Thanks, Major.

walterworld said...

Last time I was there in 2018 I spent a good 15 minutes at the Fire Station, and was glad to see that it was still 'intact', just like the Main Street Cinema..

JB said...

"On tap"... Hmm, I guess Belgian Draft horses run on Belgian Draft beer?... unleaded of course... none of that cheap stuff. This IS a nice-looking horse. The passengers aboard the Streetcar don't seem too pleased about having their picture taken.

The horse in the second shot looks especially sturdy and stocky. I bet he hits the gym at least two or three times a week.
On the left we can see a band member (or two). Did Disneyland band members ever have uniforms that were that brightly colored?

Thanks for the Firehouse photo, Bu. I guess that item with the glass front is a ticker tape machine of some sort? Instead of stock prices, I guess the location of a fire was sent to this device.

Thanks for the picturesque views of the Horse Drawn Streetcar, Major.

TokyoMagic! said...

JB, that instrument is similar to a seismograph. However, this one alerts security to any movement within the cryogenic lab, deep beneath the park.