Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Fantasyland in the Fifties

Today's slides were strangely faded, but Photoshop was able to bring them back to life. They both feature views of Fantasyland, from "sometime in the 1950s".

This first one is kind of an unusual view, looking across the pre-1960 "swimming pool" ocean that held the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship (striped sails visible to the right). I'm guessing that the photographer was in some sort of dining area, though I don't recall seeing stands of bamboo in that general vicinity before. Across the way is the Mickey Mouse Club Theatre, and a little bit closer to water's edge, guests rest their feet beneath the shade of umbrellas.

Nearby, a canal boat loads up with a fresh serving of guests for Monstro. "Why are you sprinkling salt on us?", the girl asks the Cast Member. "Oh, you know, for your safety. Or something". Monstro loves salty snacks! I like the hats on the CMs - not sure what style that is - a trilby? I looked online and saw something similar that was just referred to as a fedora, a variation I guess.



Nanook said...

I don't know about "stands of bamboo", but there are many images [online] showing a number of bamboo plants - you can even spy some in the 2nd image.

Thanks, Major.

JB said...

Hmm, I would guess this was taken from where Skull Rock would eventually be. There must have been some version of the pirate-themed dining area located next to Skully, before he was built? We can see a bit of an umbrella on the left. It looks like it was made from a toddler's pajamas. Lots of ladies wearing pretty, light-colored summer dresses.

Ha! It looks like Monstro can't wait for the boatload of "salty snacks" to come his way, so he's taking matters into his own hands/fins, and is swallowing the whole group before they even get into the boat. Those hats look Alpine to me. As Nanook said, we can see some of that bamboo and umbrellas from the previous picture, to the left of Monstro. Sooo, they actually had male CMs guiding and narrating the Canal Boats back in the fifties?

No sign of fading in the second image. Photoshop did its thing! Thanks, Major.

TokyoMagic! said...

The "high waters" on the cast members are an interesting choice in costume design. And I see one of them is wearing tennis shoes and the other is wearing sandals. Were there ever cast members who just got to wear their own shoes?

Thanks for applying your Photoshop skills for us, Major!