Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Character Parade, November 1968 - Part One

It's time for a good old-fashioned Disneyland parade! I can't say that I am a big fan of parades as a rule, but hey, it's Disneyland, and  they come with the territory. And this one was a charming, low-key affair, just the Disneyland Band, and some of our favorite characters. Not a float to be seen. 

Mickey Mouse himself leads the Disneyland Band; this was pre-disco, sadly, so there was no "Macho Duck", which we can all agree is the greatest song of all time (sorry, "Layla").  

Pluto the Pup trails the band, he likes to chase things. Passing trucks, mailmen, solar panel salesmen, Girl-scouts - you name it, he'll chase it. Rule #1: Don't mess with Mickey! Even in this slightly-out-of-focus shot you can sense his determination. 

Meanwhile, Goofy is having a great time; he might not even know that he's in a parade. Notice that he is crossing the border between two slurry colors, their differing salinity kept them from blending, just like when the Amazon flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

"The Jungle Book" had been released about a year before these photos were taken, and it was a huge hit, the ninth highest-grossing film of 1967 (behind "Thoroughly Modern Millie", but ahead of "Camelot"), so of course Baloo the Bear and King Louie participated in the parade. While adversaries in the movie, they were actually good friends in real life. Louie was godfather to Baloo's first son, Babalu, while Baloo was godfather to Louie's daughter Stacy.

Hey! There's a "part two", coming up whenever I remember to post those photos.


JB said...

I have to agree with you about parades, Major. At least when it comes to Disneyland parades. There's so much else to do and see!

1) Hey! There's a white Mickey balloon! They're as rare as Donald Duck teeth! And we can see the Storybookland lighthouse on the right. I think that blue blob to the right of the lighthouse is Monstro.

2) Hmm, is Pluto's tail permanently wrapped around, and attached, to his leg? Maybe they had a problem with Pluto always trying to catch and bite his tail... out of sight, out of mind. I think that's Lawrence Welk in the white shirt and tie... Or maybe it's LBJ. That blue blob (Monstro) is on the left in this photo.

3) I think Goofy has a loose tooth; he's trying to coax it out... or keep it in. Oh! Pluto's tail isn't visible in this pic. So I guess it's not sewn onto his leg after all. OR, maybe he finally caught it and chewed it off.

4) Umm, does Baloo always have that bare patch around his waist? Did the fake fur rub off? Are his tighty-whities showing? I guess the CM inside King Louie looks out through Louie's eyes? What is that white cloth hanging down near Louie's feet? A handkerchief? My dad sometimes referred to a handkerchief as a "snot rag"... those were different times.

"Babalu" and "Stacy"? I'm shocked! SHOCKED! That you made an ILL (and "The Long, Long Trailer") reference! Maybe you're coming around to the Dark Side. Thanks, Major.

TokyoMagic! said...

There are a couple Skyway buckets stuck in the trees, in that last pic. And the lady in between Baloo and King Louie thinks she is actually in the parade! "Look at me! I'm a Christmas tree, and I can twirl!" Or maybe she thinks she's "Stacy." But she's having a good time, so I should leave her alone!

Thanks for the vintage parade pics, Major! I love a parade!

K. Martinez said...

I always made it a point to sit down on the curb on Main Street to watch a Disneyland parade. One of my favorite things to do at the park. And I do have my favorite parades.

I like the Goofy and Pluto parade pic best and love this era of costumed characters. Thanks, Major.

JG said...

I’ve always thought the parades were the best time to ride Pirates or the Haunted Mansion, but I’m a grump. A little one like this is fine, though.

I think Pluto may need the bathroom and is mustering his attention till he can get to a fire plug.

These are interesting photos since some of the backgrounds are views of that little-seen area between the Matterhorn and the FAN refreshment stand. For some reason, this small zone is rarely photographed, it’s on the edges often but seldom a full view. Looks like lots of patio tables with umbrellas.

Thanks Major!


Major Pepperidge said...

JB, while I am not a fan of parades, I still remember being stuck watching a Christmas parade, and watching a woman cry. With happiness, I assume. I wanted to cry for a whole different reason. Good eye on the white balloon, it looks odd. I wonder if they had a problem with guests (kids?) pulling on Pluto’s tail? I saw Pluto last year but did not pay attention to his tail situation. Goofy might have a loose tooth, or he’s trying to get a popcorn kernel unstuck. All he eats is popcorn and ice cream. The dream! Baloo has the mange! As for the name of his son, hey, I merely report the facts.

TokyoMagic!, the twirling lady had some little bottles on the floor of her car. Fortification, she called it. Now she’s feeling fine!

K. Martinez, I know that there are MANY people who absolutely love the parades, and I’m glad that they get so much joy out of them. I’m just an old crank!

JG, I don’t know if it is still true about heading toward the Mansion or “Pirates” during a parade - I have to admit that the line for “Pirates” moves so fast that I generally don’t worry about it much. Maybe I’ll “use” a fireplug the next time I’m at the park. “When in Rome…”. I’m assuming that the zone between the Matterhorn and FAN2 is not photographed much because there’s not a lot to see?


This was the popular DISNEYLAND CHARACTER PARADE. They were always simple affairs … by the early 70’s some small pedestal floats were included. Held several times throughout the day , The parade always featured a handful of main core characters and then some showcased NEW characters … ( like the stars of the jungle book) the Disneyland ( and later Walt Disney World) eventually got a recorded theme song “THE DISNEYLAND /WALT DISNEY WORLD MAGICAL -WONDERFUL CHARACTER PARADE” a souvenir record of the theme song was sold at both parks - in a Cardboard souvenir mailer. For some reason the WDW version is harder to find. The Disneyland Character Parade continued as a scheduled entertainment parade until about 1980 when after the Disneyland 25th & WDW TENCENNIAL parades , larger character type parades using leftover and revamped anniversary floats began to replaced the small intimate character parades. CHARACTER CAVALCADES were also held after 1980/1981 and they would include a 1 to 2 float mini parade introducing park guests to only the newest costume characters or sometimes a quick birthday salute to some existing characters . Gone are the days . Today massive oversized parades - obnoxious in scope and sound are the norm.

Lou snd Sue said...

I love how, nowadays, Disneyland still has characters standing around the Town Square/Main Street area — greeting people.

Sweet, simple parade on a nice uncrowded day. Thank you, Major.