Sunday, December 24, 2006

Frontierland Stuff...

Time for yet another un-Christmasy post. Let's spend some time in's as good a place as any! First up is a fun view of the can-can girls from the long-running "Golden Horseshoe Revue". Looks like a full house! This show ran for over 30 years, logging some 39,000 performances (a Guiness Book world record). I can't imagine telling the same jokes 39,000 times without going crazy, but Wally Boag and the rest had a wonderful time, from all accounts.

Next is a nice photo of Cascade Peak. The foliage and waterfalls look really nice here...I've seen photos from slightly different angles, and it appears as if you could view this same area while riding the pack mules (the trail would have been to the right of this picture). Cascade Peak was (of course) part of the Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland, and that attraction closed in 1977. When the "Big Thunder Mountain Railroad" was added in 1979, Cascade Peak continued to provide scenic beauty along the river until 1998. As the Yesterland website so concisely states: "Years of water damage had taken their toll on the man-made peak’s structural integrity. The problem was solved with a bulldozer."


Matterhorn1959 said...

I like the shot of the Golden Horseshoe Review, especially the guy wearing the Hawaiian Shirt!

DisneyDutchman said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at the DisneyDutchman's familly!!!!!! DD

Hannibal8 said...

I have some video somewhere of the peak. Åbout a month or two later it was gone, and there was a handfull of new trees where it used to be. I think it was considered the first mountains in the Disney Mountain Range.