Monday, March 10, 2025

1950s Fantasyland Pix

Here are two more scans from a batch of loose, unmounted transparencies from various years in the 1950s- these larger-format images really captured some nice details.

The good old Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship - well, it wasn't so old in this photo. In fact, it had there for under a year. If you look just in front of the bow, you can see some of the Casey Jr. track before the "rock work" had been added (in the summer of 1956). No matter how many photos I've seen of this ship, I am always impressed at the beauty of this feature - not a ride, but a restaurant. Amazing!

Nearby, a woman poses with Monstro the Whale right behind her. Quite the photo op! I like the guests to the right, intently watching the canal boats as they loaded and then headed toward Monstro's gaping maw. The man with the red plaid flannel reminds me of my paternal grandfather; thinking about it now, I don't know if he ever visited Disneyland. 



JB said...

I'm getting a little nervous with all those cannons aimed right at us. With these large format images, we get almost the entire Pirate Ship in frame. And clear! Nice photo!

They all look like they're gonna be Purina Whale Chow in a second or two. Quite a striking photo, with Monstro's huge toothy head. As mentioned a couple of times before, people in this era always look old, even when they're not. These folks are probably in their early twenties. ;-D

These large, clear, colorful pix are a real treat, Major. Thanks.

Budblade said...

Wonderful view of the detail they put into mundane things when they were able.
Boy that lady posing in the second picture. I can just hear her. Here I am in. My nice dress and Sunday necklace and all they want to do is pose by the gull durned whale. Let’s go see the show at the Golden Horseshoe or something.

Chuck said...

Note the original position of the starboard entry hatch on the Jolly Roger It is amazing that they built such a beautiful structure for what was essentially a food stand.

I think I prefer Monstro’s coloring here, back in the days when he blue his top.

JB, the band must be playing “Hail to the Chief.”

Thanks again, Major,

Bu said...

I am growing more to enjoy the ship, and should count the number of photos we see of it...I will say again, for something so iconic (and photographed) it's odd that despite "termites" that it wouldn't have been re-jiggered/restored/etc. into the "new" Fantasyland. New meaning : 1983. 40+ years ago. "eek" If I had my brothers, I would make Peter Pan elaborate like Pirates, or Mansion....still a flying boat...but longer....and the ship and skull rock would be part of the "pre-show" queue. Seems like with Peter Pans popularity, it would be a let's build Avatar land. Since I haven't been on the ride, I can't critique: however it does look kind of cool. I just don't think "Disneyland" when I think of Avatar, but I also don't think "Star Wars" when I think Disneyland. Just because you bought these things, doesn't mean they belong or make sense....I drone on.... Monstro is another much photographed and loved part of Fantasyland...even in his current "blue-ness" I kid of course I was scared going into his mouth, but was delighted when I saw all the miniatures afterward. Disney people...please don't jack with this attraction....I have that same plaid jacket: in fact, I have a lot of buffalo plaid items in my wardrobe. Perhaps a new look for me when I visit this happy place called Disneyland! Thanks Major.

JG said...

That is a splendid picture of the Pirate Ship! With the entry in the original location too! If Disney could have gotten Colonel Sanders to sponsor themed dining, he could have made Tuna of the Barnyard.

Almost as wild as a restaurant in a pirate ship is starting a ride by being eaten by a whale, which produces all kinds of metaphorical difficulties . I wonder what kind of hangover spurred that creative leap? That lady is enjoying every minute, wondering what the Church Ladies will think of it.

My Dad had a plaid jacket much like that one, but not the hat.

Thank you for a good start to the week, Major!


JG said...

Chuck, more like “Whale to the Chief”…


Major Pepperidge said...

JB, don’t worry, the cannons are filled with tuna. Packed in oil! I do love these larger-format transparencies, you an really see the difference in clarity. I wish I had some Purina Whale Chow, I like it in a bowl with milk and a little sugar, and maybe some strawberries when I’m feeling fancy. Yes, these people are the hip young “Friends” of their day!

Budblade, it’s really amazing to see what they accomplished, especially considering that money was tight in those early days - they couldn’t even finish Tomorrowland (or course time was also an issue). Hey, if that lady doesn’t want to be compared to a fierce whale, she shouldn’t go to Disneyland!

Chuck, I did notice the door in its original location, thanks to your mention of how it moved a week or so ago! I definitely prefer mostro in his black and gray colors, and not blue. Band? What band??

JG, I repeat, what band??

Bu, I always take Disney’s explanations (i.e. “termites”) with a grain of salt; that being said, I have no doubt that there had been little needed maintenance, and the 30 year-old wood was fragile. I truly do wonder if there really was a plan to lift the Pirate Ship and move it, because I don’t know where they would have put it. The story smells a little fishy. I like the idea of somehow making Skull Rock a part of a pre-show for a Peter Pan attraction, though I don’t know how that would be accomplished. And I agree, when I think “Disney”, I don’t think “Star Wars”, “Indiana Jones”, or “Avatar”. Yes, I get it, they own the properties now, but that doesn’t make them “Disney”. I can’t remember if I was ever scared of Monstro, but I probably was. I sure do hope that they never remove Storybook Land.

JG, your mention of Colonel Sanders reminds me of how much I loved Kentucky Fried Chicken when I was a kid. Then I moved to a place just a block or two away from one - I could smell it when they were cooking the chicken. I went there once, got ill. Went one more time (gave them another chance), got ill again. I may never go to a KFC again. I try not to think of the “metaphorical diffculties” when riding Storybook Land. It will only end in tears.

Major Pepperidge said...

Oh, duh, now I see the band.

K. Martinez said...

I remember one time a visitor asked their companion "Is this where Pirates of the Caribbean is?" when they saw the Pirate Ship Restaurant. It was refreshing to hear someone who didn't know much about Disneyland.

Thanks, Major.