Monday, March 10, 2025

1950s Fantasyland Pix

Here are two more scans from a batch of loose, unmounted transparencies from various years in the 1950s- these larger-format images really captured some nice details.

The good old Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship - well, it wasn't so old in this photo. In fact, it had there for under a year. If you look just in front of the bow, you can see some of the Casey Jr. track before the "rock work" had been added (in the summer of 1956). No matter how many photos I've seen of this ship, I am always impressed at the beauty of this feature - not a ride, but a restaurant. Amazing!

Nearby, a woman poses with Monstro the Whale right behind her. Quite the photo op! I like the guests to the right, intently watching the canal boats as they loaded and then headed toward Monstro's gaping maw. The man with the red plaid flannel reminds me of my paternal grandfather; thinking about it now, I don't know if he ever visited Disneyland. 



JB said...

I'm getting a little nervous with all those cannons aimed right at us. With these large format images, we get almost the entire Pirate Ship in frame. And clear! Nice photo!

They all look like they're gonna be Purina Whale Chow in a second or two. Quite a striking photo, with Monstro's huge toothy head. As mentioned a couple of times before, people in this era always look old, even when they're not. These folks are probably in their early twenties. ;-D

These large, clear, colorful pix are a real treat, Major. Thanks.

Budblade said...

Wonderful view of the detail they put into mundane things when they were able.
Boy that lady posing in the second picture. I can just hear her. Here I am in. My nice dress and Sunday necklace and all they want to do is pose by the gull durned whale. Let’s go see the show at the Golden Horseshoe or something.