This blog has nothing to do with gorillas (though I love 'em)...fellow bloggers have inspired me to share vintage images of Disneyland from my personal collection. But don't be surprised if you see something from a World's Fair, Knott's Berry Farm, or someplace else that is cool!
Friday, January 31, 2025
Two Beauties from August, 1963
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Matterhorn From the Skyway, August 1970
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Along Main Street, September, 1968
You all remember the song from the classic album, "Walt Disney Takes You to Disneyland": Main Street, Main Street, something something, Main Street. Beautiful! I used to have the album, "Walt Disney Takes You to Tijuana", but it got lost in a move, durnit.
I don't have any slides featuring Tijuana today, but I do have some Main Street views. Like this lovely look at the Beaux Arts (?) Opera House. "Reginald, let's go to the opera tonight!". Reginald: *heavy sigh*. Most operas don't feature robots, in fact "Carmen" only has one android in a minor role. But Disneyland's opera house has the best robot of all, Abraham Lincoln, who moved in during the 1965 season. His robotic twin was still performing in New York at the World's Fair!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Frontierland, July 1960
Here are two slides from Frontierland, from July 1960. They are almost Snoozles, but not quite. This first pic was taken from a Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland as it traversed the mysterious Rainbow Desert (named after Sir Albert Rainbow). What the...! There's water squirting out of the ground! Or is it beer? I've never heard of a beer geyser, but a good scientist has to do the work. You understand. If this attraction was still around, they could have snuck in a chupacabra along the tree line.
Monday, January 27, 2025
A Pair From June 1962
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Two From August 1961
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Vintage Amusements
I always enjoy looking at old slides of amusement parks or related subjects, and I have two nice examples for you today. This first one is dated "October, 1968" and seems to be from a carnival or fair - location unknown. Two tow-headed boys - not twins, but dressed alike (which makes me think of Melissa) - ride a "lifting body"-type aircraft, surely a prototype developed by Northrop. In the background, another "vehicle going around in a circle" ride appears to be buses or vans. A clue in the upper part of the frame is a sign that says "Re-elect John P. Quimby". Eureka! John Quimby was a California state Assemblyman (from 1963 to 1974) for the 72nd District, which encompasses mostly of coastal communities Orange County.
Friday, January 24, 2025
Nite Pix, August 1970
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Knott's Berry Snoozles
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Two From Fantasyland, June 1969
Today's photos are not super-exciting, but they feature a Disneyland that is from around the time that I fell in love with the place, so they get a star sticker and a smiley face.
As you know, Sleeping Beauty Castle will be replaced with Tiana's Bayou Starbase (cleverly combining two IPs), and I am not sure how I feel about that. Look at SBC! It has ivy and everything. This has some choice people-watching, like the lady to the right who is from outer space. She is analyzing us to see if we have enough nutritional content for her home planet. "Ugh! Too much sugar!". We're safe. FOR NOW.