Thursday, January 23, 2025

Knott's Berry Snoozles

Before we get into the main blog post, I wanted to let SoCal locals (or any other interested parties!) know about another presentation about Knott's Berry Farm and especially the ride "Knott's Bear-y Tales", by Chris Merritt and J. Eric Lynxwiler! It will be this coming Sunday, January 26th, at the LA Public Library (downtown), in the Mark Taper Auditorium. The presentation is scheduled from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. I saw the one a few weeks ago, and it was informative, and a lot of fun! If you can make it over there, I know that Chris and Eric would love to see you.

Speaking of Knott's Berry Farm... we (King Charles and I) love it. However, I scanned a bunch of vintage Knott's slides, and as usual there were some that were "meh". I've been skipping them over and over, but finally decided to just share five Snoozles and be done with them! 

This first one is dated "January 1967";  a cute burro is the power (and brains) behind a contraption known as an arasta. The sign hear the burro says: The arasta was built and used for 20 years by “Desert Jim” at a mine far back on the desert near Death Valley. Dragging the large rock crushes the ore, so gold can be extracted the (indecipherable) to Cal in 1840). Behind him is a mine head, and to the right, a tunnel entrance to the Gold Mine, where guests could pan for REAL GOLD.

The remaining four scans are all from the 1950s (I believe). I'm not sure precisely where this scene was located, though the picket fence at the bottom of the frame is probably part of Boot Hill. A spring of fresh water gushes from the rocks, and an Indian watches for trouble (can you blame him?). 

Next, a woman relaxes next to the Chapel, I believe this was where the "Transfiguration" show could be experienced. I could never set foot inside because I would burst into flames. Nobody knows why! 

The same lady now poses next to a prospector who is panning for gold. You'd think he would be concerned about the erupting volcano right next to him, but his single-minded pursuit of GOLD is all that motivates him. 

Next is a scene that is similar to the one in photo #2, only the Indians echo the Night Watch tableau - read more about that HERE

I hope you have enjoyed these Knott's Berry Farm Snoozles!


  1. Hey wait... this isn't Snoozle Sunday! I can't decide whether to cheer or throw over-ripe fruit. Maybe I'll throw both; the Cheer will help get the over-ripe fruit stains out.

    1) I never realized 'til now how easy it is for burros to camouflage themselves when standing in front of buildings made of faded, worn wood. Actually, I think there are two burros; there's an extra set of ears... maybe three! What's inside the building?

    2) The overseeing Indian looks to be a member of Shiny Boy's tribe a few miles away.

    3) Major, I'm afraid I would also burst into flames. And I think our dear sweet lady sitting in front of the chapel would also spontaneously combust; she's got red eyes! Well, red eyeglasses... close enough.

    4) Wow, our red-eyed lady is wearing white gloves! And a brooch that appears to be made of strawberries and cranberries; a sophisticated and interesting 'look'.

    5) Hmm, this land looks awfully sparse and bleak. It needs some greenery, maybe a few clumps of sagebrush and cacti.

    OK, a couple of these were possibly yawn-inducing, mainly because of the camera angles and distance from the subjects, but not because the subject matter itself was Snoozly. Thanks, Major.

  2. I've never realized this before, but Volcano Man looks a little bit like Royal Dano. "At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?" It's right behind you, man!

    There is an orange-faced man crouching behind the picket fence, in that second vintage shot.

  3. Budblade6:12 AM

    All five snootiest at once?! Whoa Nellie! Good thing we junior Gorillas are professionals. I’m not sure the average man or woman could handle this.

  4. Budblade6:22 AM

    Darn autocorrect. *Snoozles

  5. Raised by my parents and grandparents as a devout Catholic, I do remember going into the chapel of the Transfiguration once with them, probably before I was 10 years old. And to be honest, the effect was more compelling than I had thought it would be--probably Knott's best effect up to that time.

  6. Stefano7:37 AM

    Major, if as a child you enjoyed Red Hots candy and Red Devil Fireworks, and looked at and admired the little crank-turning Satan in the shed behind Miss Clara, your fate was sealed --- no Little Chapel By the Lake for you.

    I think I read somewhere (GDB?) that at night puffs of orange-hued steam rose near the standing Indian, as in signal fires; the Chief may be looking directly at the family across the way, what could his message be.

  7. JB, Snoozle Sundays must (of course) happen on a Sunday. But Snoozles are eternal! All burros have a mild cloaking ability, which was copied by the Klingons (and improved upon). There are actually 17 burros in that photo. The chief uses a lotion with Aloe, it keeps him baby-soft, but he does look shiny sometimes. I remember the last time I approached a church, I started hearing scary Latin chants (re: The Omen) and felt the heat rise on my skin. I kept my distance after that! I am wearing white gloves right now.

    TokyoMagic!, every time I see Royal Dano in “Bonanza”, “Gunsmoke”, or even “Twin Peaks”, I can’t help hearing Mr. Lincoln’s voice! Maybe the prospector was near one of those rare stealth volcanos that makes no noise? Orange-faced man? It’s Royal Dano!

    Budblade, it’s true, only a licensed professional should view GDB, and an additional degree from the Bryman school is recommended.

    Budblade, please use proper curse words on GDB.

    Steve DeGaetano, the church experience is theatrical, no doubt about it, I got comments on that Church of the Transfiguration post from many people who found that presentation to be incredibly moving.

    Stefano, I also liked Little Hot Stuff comic books! Way better than that dope Richie Rich. Oh, I never knew about the little puffs of orange steam, I love that. I hope it wasn’t an ad for Ovaltine.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Hm, my comment left earlier isn't visible.

    Thanks for these fun pics, Major!


  9. The unbuilt Walt Disney World attraction THE WESTERN RIVER EXPEDITION was inspired in several ways from Knott’s Berry Farm - besides the facing of the calico mine ride lending its shape and proportions to the early Thunder Mesa, the interior of the attraction was to feature volcano effect in the segue scene from the desert to the first town . Since the attraction was set at a deep dusk scenes at the bottom of the canyon with basically night - so the black lava rock with pulsating lava and puffs of smoke would have been done in the same fashion as Knott’s desert volcano - sans the little devil and hand crank !

    I remember the volcano and the Devil effect well , but I have no recollection of the TRANSFIGURATION OF CHRIST - or even if it was still functioning in my childhood - I do remember the chapel however . The effect seems rather creepy/ scary like when Carrie was forced into the closet to pray and Jesus eyes glowed on the little crucifix !! Even the souvenir fold out glow- in - dark transfiguration cards seem scary to me.
