Thursday, January 30, 2025

Matterhorn From the Skyway, August 1970

Many of you travel via Skyway every day, to work or to the haberdashery, or to that place that serves Oxnard-style cuisine. But there was a time when you could only ride skyway-type transportation at amusement parks or World's Fairs! Isn't that crazy? Today we are experiencing the novel sensation of facing backward in a gondola as our vehicle headed to the charming Swiss chalet behind us. "Wouldn't you rather face forward, Marjorie?". "Nuts to that!". We've already passed through the nostrils of the Matterhorn, and it wasn't as bad as you might think based on that description. It's cool that our Margie caught the red Monorial as it curved 'round the bend. I'm sure somebody will give you $1,000 if you can spot details such as HoJo's or the Rocket Jets.

Well, our backwards journey is almost over, we can smell the chalet at this point, (it's like pine trees and chocolate with hazelnuts). I think we should walk over to that pirate ship and see what's doing. Meanwhile, enjoy a look at Classic Fantasyland. 


  1. Major-
    I feel so much happier and relaxed for just having viewed these images.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. In addition to the sights you mentioned, there is a blue/aqua PeopleMover at the left edge of the pic. And a Bobled down below in the Alpine meadow. I guess the wily Skyway CMs decided they were going to run only the light blue gondolas on this day.
    As for the red Monorail, ♫"She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes!"♫♪ [Insert two short blasts on the Monorail's horn here.] That's an excellent shot of the Rocket Jets; too bad it's so far away.

    Ooh! This is a nice photo. We rarely see Fantasyland from quite this angle; we're usually down below on the Chalet ramp. Good job, Marjorie. And the Pirate Ship is in full bloom. (And they haven't evicted the Mermaid yet.) Some guests are exiting the Mad Tea Party, while others are scrambling to get into their favorite Teacup.

    A couple of nice photos of peak Disneyland. Thanks, Major.

  3. The heading says 1970, yet there's a Mark II Monorail Red in the image. The Mark III monorails debuted in 1969. I guess the Mark II Monorail Red hung on a little longer?

    I really love the first pic. Thanks, Major.

  4. Stu295737:54 AM

    At first glance, the nostrils on the Matterhorn looked like googly eyes! I think everything should have googly eyes. Especially history textbooks. It just kinda says "Hey, lighten up, world!"
    In the second pic we see the Casey Jr sign. When I last rode, I was in the monkeys' cage. But I didn't see Davy Jones. With or without googly eyes. Maybe next time!

  5. I think we should end all our sentences today with 'with googly eyes'.

    Every visit in those days I always rode the Skyway, Monorail and Peoplemover with googly eyes.

    Thanks, Major


  6. These are prime Disneyland! And the views beyond are just as brilliant.

    Hojo’s, Rocket Jets, Melodyland, the Grand (Crest) Hotel, and the Power Lines!

    And the white expanse of the Castle roof, which I always studied for scorch marks left by the fireworks.

    I’m with Nanook here, and I wish I could have one last ride through the Matterhorn Nostrils backward.

    I’m sad that I don’t really remember my last trip on the Skyway, it was such a part of a visit that they all blur together and it’s not till it’s lost that you appreciate what you had.

    While I am sad about the many negative changes to the Park, I have learned to pay better attention to my day-to-day life so hopefully I will better recall the good times when inevitable changes arrive.

    Thanks Major. A good trip back, and returning with resolve to enjoy my favorite things and not let them slide past.


    1. Nanook, these days, “happier” and “relaxed” would be so welcome, so I’m glad to help!

      JB, don’t forget the yellow Peoplemover in the distance. And yes, a bobsled, good luck all day today! I’ve learned that three blue Skyway gondolas in a row is an international sign of distress. When I see the Monorail, I think of folksy country songs! Strangely (or maybe no), we really don’t see Fantasyland from this angle, it’s usually from the “toward Tomorrowland” side, which does look surprisingly different.

      K. Martinez, good point! In fact, I’ve seen that the Mark III Monorails debuted in 1968! What I don’t know is if they were introduced all at once, or if they did them one at a time over weeks or months. Still, I can only assume that the person who took these photos did not have the film developed until many months after their trip to the park.

      Stu29573, everything is better with googly eyes (as you said), there is no work of art that would not be improved. History text books? I’m not going to read one of those because I’m not a nerd! Davy Jones? The Monkee? Or the pirate?

      zach, now I need video of you talking to all of your friends and ending each sentence with “with googly eyes”!!

      JG, well, the color is a bit off on these, who knows why. I can’t remember if the photographer used something other than Kodak film, though even that is no guarantee of good clear colors. Huh, did you ever actually see the scorch marks of fireworks on the roof of the Castle?? I’d happily ride the Skyway facing any direction, it makes me sad that we can’t do that. And the only vivid memory I have of being on the Skyway is when I tried to kiss my date and she said no (I’ve mentioned that on this blog before)! Can you believe that we broke up not long after?? Your strategy of paying better attention to the good times that happen every day is a good one, it’s easy to focus on the negative (like my brother does).

  7. Dean Finder11:31 AM

    Neither of these are particularly postcard-worthy with very busy compositions, but I like them. If I were unfamiliar with Disneyland and someone showed me these pictures, I'd think that I have to see all of this myself.

  8. Zach, I agree with you about ending all our sentences today with “googly eyes.“

    Not only does the Monorail look like it has googly eyes, but if you look at the Matterhorn in the first picture (don’t enlarge the picture) – IT has googly eyes.

    Thanks for the fun pictures, Major Google Eyes!

  9. Major, you would have been successful if you had said 'may I kiss you with googly eyes?'

  10. ^ Major GOOGLY Eyes.
    Dumb autocorrect googly eyes.

  11. Hi, Zach….I didn’t mean to text over you….
    BTW, maybe Major first said to her she HAD googly eyes?!

  12. Anonymous12:13 PM

    …dandelion lamps with seed-spikies!!!
