Sunday, January 19, 2025


It's a SNOOZLE SUNDAY, and that means it is time to unload a few "meh" pictures. Starting with this example from 1967 (I think). We're off to the side of the Tomorrowland Terrace stage, and even a bit behind it, so our view is not ideal. But I guess I can confidently state that I don't have another view quite like this one in my collection, so that's something! Some cute gals with pigtails, yellow tops and short orange skirts are rocking out. I'd bet that they are The New Descendants, which is an odd name that I like.

Next is this photo that I believe is from the 1970s - it was oddly faded, and my attempts at color-correction were not entirely successful. But it's good enough! We're aboard a Storybook Land Canal Boat, either we have just completed our journey through the land of Stories, or we are just about to depart. That cave is the entrance to "Never Never Land", where guests never go. We can just see part of the It's a Small World facade, as well as that colorful souvenir stand that really doesn't seem to fit in to that area (in my opinion).


  1. Major-
    I see the Skyway and Peoplemover vehicles are color-coordinated with the gals outfits - what are the odds-? The tone cabinet containing the Leslie speaker for the Hammond Organ is obscuring a number of the band members; but, oh that tone.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Nothing "meh" about this pic! Looking at your linked photo, these are definitely The New Descendants gals. (I wonder what they did with the Old Descendants?) I like these costumes better than the other ones; sunnier. They kept their yarn pigtail-tie-r-uppers.
    And we've got a yellow PeopleMover train going by. What is that futuristic spire to the right of the PM?
    And, oh look! They hung a little Skyway Gondola-shaped bird feeder up on the edge of the stage roof! Wise decision. The feeder will attract the feral Killer Birds so they'll leave the guests alone. I think it's cute how they made the bird food in the shape of tiny humans inside the feeder; obviously appealing to the killer instincts of the feral Birds. Is that a pre-amp sitting down there on the floor near us?

    Well this is unfortunate; whoever took this photo is facing the wrong way! They'll miss everything! (Or they already did.) Do you suppose they took a picture of the cave because the host/hostess just recited the "Never Never Land" joke?
    Major, nice try with the "souvenir stand", but that tall yellow thing is the replacement for the "Flight to the Moon" rocket that they removed. It's now sponsored by Dole, hence the banana-yellow color. And now, it's the "Flight to Never Land" rocket. The Pirate Ship would have been better for that ride but, you know, they got rid of that too. (TRE)

    Nanook, thanks for IDing the Leslie speaker cabinet. I thought that's what it was, but wasn't sure. I didn't want to make a fool of myself.... oops, too late. (Did I say that out loud?)

    As Snoozles go, these are pretty nice, and interesting. Thanks, Major.

  3. I really like both of these unusual shots, Major. The second one is reversed, however!

  4. For crazy people like me, any picture that shows the backstage workings, however small or slight, is interesting. See the theatrical lighting above the stage, undoubtedly in shades of yellow and orange. Also brilliant how both the Skyway and PeopleMover are coordinated.

    JB, the Old Descendants played in Frontierland.

    Major, I agree about the weird little castle in photo 2, it always felt out of place to me, but I was too busy running to the next ride to care much. I think we have heard it was a caricature stand, but I’m not sure. I do agree with Tokyo that the scan is reversed. Looking back at the Neverland Cave, the floral letters should be on the left. A minor glitch, not a criticism.

    Thank you for these snoozy bits. I’m so boring I find snoozy things exciting!


  5. Dean Finder9:03 AM

    The theme of the day is yellow and orange. The New Descendents' outfits look like dirndls for the Matterhorn hostesses if it were sponsored by Sunkist.

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    JB...The New Descendants pictured are now the Old Descendants. And it would be interesting to know how their music fortunes went considering the number of talented folks that worked the stage who went on to greater fame. The colors of the day look terrific from that perspective. Ah, we were all young once. KS

  7. @ JB-
    "What is that futuristic spire to the right of the PM?"
    That's a Rolly Crump futuristic 'take' on a spire. You can see it HERE.

  8. Mrs. Chuck’s take on the first image - “That’s a total cheesecake photo.” That would explain the odd angle - the photographer was less interested in the New Descendants’ musical abilities than some of their other attributes.

    That last photo had me really discombobulated until the rest of the crew pointed out it was reversed. Now it makes sense. Also - I secretly hope it was taken in the Mirror Universe, where the New Descendants wore goatees.

    JG, the Frontierland band you are thinking of was the Old Ancestors. I guess they were the Old Descendants of the Even Older Ancestors.

  9. Nanook, Walt was gone by 1967 (when that first picture was taken), but he planned it so that the Skyway gondolas would always coordinate with the musicians!

    JB, the “Old Descendants” sounds like monsters from an H.P. Lovecraft story. I wonder who had the idea for the pigtails? One of the young women, or somebody else? I guess it’s a look! No idea re: the spire, it doesn’t seem to serve any purpose, except to confuse birds. I want a little Skyway gondola! I know somebody has made their own miniature versions, but I want one that is accurate down to the atomic level. As a kid I always felt sneaky being able to see into areas that were not intended for viewing - for instance, while riding the train, I’d look behind us sometimes, rather than forward. I was a little scamp! The “souvenir stand” looks like a bounce house that you might see in a park on a Saturday morning.

    TokyoMagic!, you have passed the test, and can now roam the land helping others as a Shaolin master.

    JG, I do like yellow and orange, it is sunny and very “California”, it makes me think of Orange Julius. Devilishly delicious! The Old Descendants were cyclopean giants from another dimension. That castle could be in a miniature gol course, I don’t understand how that weird style fit into that area, but that’s the way things started to go. I’ve just read that they will be replacing the animatronic Hitchhiking Ghosts with projections in our HM, it’s like they are *trying* to ruin it on purpose. Of course the true believers will love it no matter how awful it is.

    Dean Finder, I just like the word “dirndl”! Four consonants in a row, nice.

    KS, coming up I will be relating an email from somebody who was a Kid of the Kingdom, this person went on to some success as a singer! I hope the New Descendants all had happy, fulfilling lives.

    Nanook, that spire looks like something made by Tupperware in the 60s!

  10. Chuck, yes I have no doubt that the photographer enjoyed the view in that first picture. Can’t say I blame him. I purposely reversed that second image to discover which of you is human - sort of like the box of pain in “Dune”. I left my Gom Jabbar at my mom’s house though. It’ll jabbar you right in the gom! When I saw the Old Ancestors, I did not recognize any of the stars in the sky.

  11. Nanook, OH! That spire is actually quite small... and close. I thought it was much larger and farther away, and couldn't remember seeing anything that prominent on the Tomorrowland skyline. Thanks!

    I suspect Mrs. Chuck is correct about the first photo.

    Major, a bounce house. Exactly! I knew it reminded me of something, but couldn't bring it to mind.
