Sunday, January 26, 2025

Two From August 1961

Unlike many Snoozles™ of the past, today's photos don't really have anything terribly wrong with them. But they are kind of dull, and because they were taken on a gray, overcast day, they feel a bit gloomy. 

First up is this view of the Sub Lagoon, complete with Submarine (sold separately). I can't quite read the name on the Sub, but I think it says "Grump Murphington" who, as we all know, invented toast. There's not much else of interest - we can see the Matterhorn Chalet to the left, and the tip-top of Fantasyland Station. Oh, and Screechy da Iggle. 

Being 1961, the Matterhorn is still looking darker than we are used to, though it actually appears to be tinted slightly purple here. Probably left over from Easter, that makes sense. Even the waterfalls look blue-violet. The gray skies make me surmise that these photos were probably actually taken in June. I won't mention the meteorological phenomenon that happens every late May and into June, because I know you are sick of it! 


  1. Major-
    I really think that's the 'Cal Worthington' submarine, piloted by his dog Spot.

    Thanks, Major.

  2. Grump Murphington invented toast?!? Huh. All this time I thought Powdered Toast Man invented it. Thanks for setting me straight, Major.
    You'd think Screechy would get tired of lugging that big egg around all the time. Judging by the size of the "iggle", Screechy must be a member of the Thunderbird family. Thunderbirds require a large amount of high octane gasoline to survive; which is why we always see Screechy near a Richfield station.
    Oh yeah, the photo... it's OK.

    As you noted, it sure looks like they added blue coloring to the Matterhorn's waterfalls. And in addition to the purplish tint on the Matterhorn, there are many other subtle colors going on here. Also a yellow-and-blue Bobsled on the right. That little bit of roof in the upper left corner looks like the photographer might be standing at the Monorail station? Or maybe this photo is sponsored by Nabisco.

    Better than average Sunday pics, Major. Thanks.

  3. You know what could have brightened up these photos? The Sun.

    A grey day at Disneyland is still a day at Disneyland, and that’s all right with me. As the old saying goes, if the minimum wasn’t good enough, it wouldn`t be the minimum.

    Thanks, Major!

  4. Agreeing with Chuck here. Any day, gray or not, at Disneyland is fine with me. Although I confess, being tired, cold, and wet does reduce the fineness somewhat.

    As for minimums, there’s a saying in architecture that the building code defines the worst building you can legally build.

    If the sub is sold separately, are batteries included?

    It did take a while to settle on the Matterhorn color, maybe the dye faded in the wash? Should have used RIT Mountain Dye (tm). “The Finest Dye That Money Can Buy… is All-Purpose RIT”.

    Cheers Major, thanks for gray on gray today.


  5. Nanook, if there was ever an American worthy of having a nuclear sub named after him, it’s Cal Worthington!

    JB, Powdered Toast Man was responsible for many toast-based advancements, but Grump Murphington was the clear inventor. We have his journals! Some dope in Russia claims that HE invented toast first, but… please! Screechy never gets tired. It’s strange about violet-tinted slides, for some reason I find them to be very difficult to color-correct, I don’t really know why it should be that different from pink slides.

    Chuck, the Sun, eh? I’ve heard of it. I got a B- in science class, not to brag! It’s raining in SoCal today, hopefully it will put those fires out; I’ll bet the crowds will be light at the park.

    JG, yeah, I’ve had plenty of fun at Disneyland on a rainy day, but I can’t say I ever plan to go there on such a day on purpose. “The worst building that you can legally build”, I feel like we have a lot of these in my general area. RIT dye - I had a friend who made a desk from a hollow-core door, and he stained it with green RIT. It looked kind of cool!

  6. Dean Finder10:30 AM

    I'm enjoying these works from Disneyland's "blue period"
    I believe it's spelled "E-L-G-S-E-S" - at least in Philadelphia

  7. these are nice Sunday photos. the Matterhorn has that "purple mountain majesty". ahh, to be in that green and yellow bobsled curving down out of that mountain cave. I miss the skyway, too bad it is now toast.

  8. I have an Uncle, Giles Worthington(!) Bellamy and he told me he invented toast so I'm not sure where the error is. He would agree, tho, that these are just fine.

    Thanks! Major and the color grey or gray, depending on which side of the Atlantic you are on.


  9. Dean Finder, I guess we are now in Disneyland’s “pink period”??

    LTL, oh yeah, I missed the bobsled, I am so ashamed.

    zach, ever since there was toast, there have been people who have claimed that they invented it before Grump Murphington! I’m on the cool side of the Atlantic.
