I wasn't sure what to share on this Friday, so I opted for more night views from August, 1970. I can't say that they are great photos, but I like Disneyland at night. That's all I got.
The last time I went to Disneyland in August (a long time ago!), it was extremely hot and very crowded. But it's easy to imagine the sky darkening, the temperature cooling, all of Disneyland's lights turning on, and we might even hear some Big Band music wafting from the Plaza Gardens. Ahhh, that's better! Let's go into the Penny Arcade and get gently electrocuted by the Electric Shock machine. Just like grandma and grandpa used to do.
I'm not sure I've ever seen a night photo of the Flower Market, though the sepia tone robs the faux flowers of some of their brilliance. Guests still enjoy the novelty of the place, though.
Maybe we can grab a bite at the Plaza Inn. It looks very fancy, and yet inviting for slobs like me.
The Penny Arcade looks packed! If I remember correctly, the Arcade goes off to the right quite a ways? That's where most of the contraptions are... or were. :-(
ReplyDeleteI wasn't aware that the Flower Market sold produce. Looks like there are onions, garlic, peppers, and mushrooms in some of those bins. Pizza anyone? Now if I can just find the pepperoni bin. We can get the flour for the crust at the Old Mill on Tom Sawyer Island. Pretty sure that cheese is available in one of the Main Street shops. That just leaves the sauce. Where do we find the sauce? [Pooh Bear, "Think, think, think."]
Does the Plaza Inn have spaghetti on the menu? If so, we could order a plate of spaghetti, without the pasta, and use the sauce on our Disneyland Pizza! Ta-daaaa!
Nice nite pix, Major. No doubt about it, Disneyland really IS special after dark.
JB, the Penny Arcade was "T" shaped and went off to the right and the left......before they ruined it. The left side was a dead end, and the right side lead out onto the patio of Coke Corner.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the vintage night shots, Major!
JB, I should have said that the Penny Arcade went off to the left (the dead end) and the right, in the very back. In the main room, there were large doorways that led into the Sunkist Citrus House (to the left) and the Candy Palace (to the right).
ReplyDeleteFor night pics these are great. I especially love the Flower Market pic. Thanks, Major.
ReplyDeleteThanks, JB...now I want pizza for breakfast.
ReplyDeleteI actually got some kind of "pizza flip" pepperoni turnover things in Toon Town when we went. They looked terrible, but were actually pretty good. Not as good as JB's creation, I'm sure...
If I remember correctly, to the left in the the Arcade building is now a clothes shop and to the right (leading to Coke Corner) is candy? Maybe? The center still has the music machine and maybe a couple of flip viewers. I think. Obviously it didn't leave a big impression on me. Oh well...
After being shocked, I want to watch a couple of flip view peep shows and turn the crank verrrry slowly. I remember many of the mechanical games were baseball related and a little metal runner advanced around the bases as you scored points. These were great visual fun even if you hated baseball like me.
ReplyDeleteWrecking the Penny Arcade is one of the most unforgivable sins committed by the management.
Now let’s go out and buy some plastic garlic. Seems weird, but I’m rolling with it. JB, good luck on the quest for pizza.
Dinner at the Plaza Inn, where the violinist will serenade us over that plate of spaghetti. Unforgettable memories here.
Nothing like Disneyland at night, thank you Major!
JB, it is true, the Penny Arcade is doing a bang-up business. Kind of surprising, and yet, I loved to go in and look at all the old machines. I don’t remember playing any of them, though I did watch a Mutoscope. I’m assuming that the produce in the Flower Market is no more real than the flowers are; put them in a bowl for a decorative effect. No idea what is on the menu at the Plaza Inn, but other restaurants used to have spaghetti in earlier days.
ReplyDeleteTokyoMagic!, shaped like a “T”? That rhymes with “P” and that stands for POOL!
TokyoMagic!, I’m glad you cleared that up, I was about to submit my report to the government! ;-)
K. Martinez, glad you liked these!
Stu29573, my mom has leftover pizza for breakfast all the time. She’s so tiny that she needs the carbs and calories. I however need neither of those things. I tried the Pizza at Redd Rocket’s Pizza Port, and it wasn’t the worst I’ve ever had (that was Costi’s “Turned On Pizza” on the east coast), but it wasn’t good either. Maybe somebody else can chime in about the current Main Street shops, I look at them as I walk by, but don’t really register what most of them are.
JG, did they have naughty Mutoscopes?? I think I watched a Charlie Chaplin clip, but clearly picked the wrong machine. I remember at least one mechanical baseball game, it looked so cool and old fashioned. I wonder if people just weren’t interested in those old games anymore, or was it just that the park figured they could sell more plush dolls? Definitely a change of attitude over the years. Ugh, violinists at restaurants, no thank you. “I’ll give you five bucks to go away”.
Dang... Sorry, "damn". (Major wants us to use proper swear words). JG and Major reminded me that the Flower Market produce is plastic! About the only thing plastic garlic is good for is warding off plastic vampires. Hmmph.
ReplyDeleteMajor: in regards to “naughty mutescopes” ….. most real mutescopes were pretty risqué . But next time you are in the Disneyland Penny Arcade May I direct your attention to the mutescope FORBIDDEN SWEETS…..
ReplyDelete"You maniacs! You blew it up...!
JB, thank you for using the proper swear word! They build character. "Plastic Vampires", a good name for a New Wave band.
ReplyDeleteMike Cozart, aha! "Forbidden Sweets", it sounds like I might even see an exposed ankle!
Major, as I recall, there weren’t any naughty mutoscope shows, but standards were different in the 1890’s, so some might have qualified then.
ReplyDeleteI don’t remember any of the stories in detail but some may have involved pie throwing, a good, wholesome pastime.