Friday, September 20, 2024

Two Beauties From July, 1964

I have two nice ones for you today, starting with this unusual interior from one of the Main Street shops. But which one? I think it might be from The Emporium, but am not certain. The tree with the face is pretty weird. Against the wall... hats galore! So... maybe this is from the Mad Hatter shop, which has been in at least two Main Street locations, and one Fantasyland location.

I never get tired of views looking into Tomorrowland - in this case from the edge of the Plaza. You've got posters, you've got flags from every State, you've got the Clock of the World, the Monsanto Hall of Chemistry, the Douglas Moonliner, a balloon bouquet, and even the Telstar satellite model above "America the Beautiful" to the left. Sorry, JG, only one trashcan.



Nanook said...

My vote for the Mad Hatter shop is in Fantasyland. What say the 'experts'-??

And in the 2nd image - that's one mighty-fine sample of white plumage. Gary certainly isn't going to get lost wearing that hat-!

Thanks, Major.

JB said...

That tree-with-a-face is gonna give me nightmares tonight. And why does it have white 'bark'? It's nice to see an interior shot of a shop though. They're as rare as... well, as rare as a white tree with a creepy face. Nice photo of the smiling lady, too. Wonder if she's a CM or a guest?

Even with all the good things you mentioned, Major, the star of the show is clearly "Gary"; the kid in the foreground. At least that's what his hat says. (Or maybe it's "Bary" with one "r"?) Red shirt (with Mickey patch), blue hat, giant white plume. Red, white, & blue... Gary is a very patriotic kid. Oh, and I think there is another trashcan in the picture. It's right above the obvious trashcan, on the far side of the Clock of the World.

I see that Nanook also thinks it's "Gary".

I wouldn't have guessed that the first photo was taken in Disneyland. That tree just doesn't look "Disney" to me. The second photo, on the other hand, couldn't be anywhere else but Disneyland! Thanks, Major.

TokyoMagic! said...

Yes, that first one was taken in the Mad Hatter Shop in Fantasyland. The book, "Disneyland: The First Quarter Century," has a picture of Jack Benny mugging for the camera, in front of that tree.

JB, good question as to why the tree is white. Could it be from a Disney cartoon? There was that winter themed cartoon short.....what was it called? Maybe the tree is from that short?

TokyoMagic! said...

The short that I was trying to think of is from Melody Time and it's called Once Upon A Winter Time, but I just watched it on YouTube, and there weren't any whit freaky nightmare-inducing trees with faces in it. Still, it might be inspired by another short segment titled Trees from the same film. There are some white snow-encrusted trees in that one.....sans the terrifying face, however.

Here's the Jack Benny pic I was talking about. In that 1980 book, it was very cropped, and you couldn't see that there was anyone else in the photo with him, or much of the background. This is the same pic, just uncropped:

Jack Benny in Fantasyland