Sunday, September 22, 2024

Dark Scary Jungle

After one installment of "OKsles", we are right back to genuine, grade-A SNOOZLES™! It's all because I scanned 36 slides, and found that a number of them have the usual issues. A good blogger would just not post them at all, but I never claimed to be a good blogger. And so... you are stuck with them!

Both of these are from the Jungle Cruise, which is not a surprise - a large percentage of scans are from that attraction. There are so many bad photos! I'm assuming that these were taken late in the day, though it might just be a case of erroneous settings. This first one is from September, 1956, and hoo-boy, you can't see much other than the heads in the foreground, and some silhouetted trees. If there is a fearsome animal there, I sure can't spot it. To the right I see something that might be a headhunter's spear - but it might be something else.

Now it's November of '56, and we are looking at trio of hippos. It's a pretty crummy pic though - you don't have to tell me. These hippos don't even have their mouths open for a view of their disgusting teeth! What a ripoff! Any idea what those pieces of metal are, to the left? They are obviously part of the boat that our photographer was on, but I can't imagine what their purpose is.

Sorry about these terrible Snoozles!



TokyoMagic! said...

Those metal things were used to hold the one seat cushion on the boat, where everyone steps on the seat to get into the boat. After all the passengers were loaded, a cast member would put the cushion down for the last people aboard to sit on!

Nanook said...

"Any idea what those pieces of metal are..." Oh, Major - you know what those 'brackets' are - they are the custom metal bars that hold the cushions that normally occupy the seating area that's used for ingress and egress at both the bow and stern of each boat. Each set of bars is placed just in-front of the opening "steps". Those bars appear to have been added in either late 1955 or early 1956 - maybe someone here knows the exact date. See - today's images are not a total loss.

Thanks, Major.

JB said...

YES! I've been craving genuine Snoozles all week! Huzzah! (That probably came across as a little bit forced, huh?)

"Hoo-boy"... Boris Badenov has said that on several occasions. Usually followed by something like, "Fearless Leader is not going to be liking that!"
I tried 'clarifying' this photo to see what I could see. The object on the right seems to be a round shield and a thatched grass roof above it. I don't know what those white things are; they look like blond wigs. Above the head of the lady on the right, there is an elongated shield with feathers attached to the top. No fearsome animals though.

These hippos are luxuriating in the Hippo Spa. And they're none too pleased about boatfuls of tourists gawking at them every few minutes. Plus, they're NAKED (the hippos, not the tourists). How embarrassing for them! Is it any wonder why they keep charging at the boats?!
As for the white things... They're albino water cobras. Quite rare. Notice how slim they are. That allows them to glide through the water with ease.

Pay no attention to Tokyo!'s and Nanook's explanation for the white things; their descriptions are waaay too far-fetched! They're albino water-cobras.

Major, when it comes to Snoozles, the terribler, the better! Thanks.