Friday, September 15, 2023

Nice Leftuggies™

I have a nice pair of Leftuggies™ for you today, served up with mashed potatoes and a crisp salad.

First up is this undated (but probably from 1956) photo showing the Mark Twain passing by; I just kind of love this picture! Where do you think our photographer was standing (and don't say "Disneyland"!)? I'm guessing that he/she was somewhere west of the Plantation House, but there doesn't seem to be a lot to go on. Is the little boy to our right wearing a coat and tie? Folks are dressed nicely, and for cool weather. The Twain's pilot is glaring at us!

If you look to the left of the Mark Twain's headlamp, I believe we can see part of the old viewing platform that was there before Tom's Treehouse was added. Wasn't there at least one small cascade of water that originated from Tom's Treehouse? I don't think I've ever really noticed that small bridge halfway up the hillside. 

Next is this undated and horribly pink photo (from the 1960s I think) showing the entrance to the park. Why yes, I'd still like to go in, even if Disneyland will only be open for a few more hours! Somebody has abandoned that poor baby in the stroller, but I'm sure they had a good reason for doing so.

I did a bit of color-correction, and played around with various shades of blue (it's a judgement call when using Photoshop for such things) and guessing how dark it needed to be, and I finally settled on this example. It sure looks inviting! Where would you go first if you didn't get to the park until just after sunset?

I hope you have enjoyed today's Leftuggies™.


Nanook said...

I concur on the location of the 1st image; and it makes for a great shot - including that 'small bridge' on TSI.

Thanks, Major.

JB said...

"Where do you think our photographer was standing (and don't say "Disneyland"!)"
Awww, yer no fun.... OK then... Oxnard!

It looks like "coat and tie" kid has a twin brother walking in front of him, pointing at something. I guess the suited twin inherited all the formal genes, while his brother inherited all the casual genes.
Only two red-coated ladies here. Guess that fad hadn't quite caught on yet, which lends credence to your 1956 estimation, since the red coat craze didn't reach its peak till '57.

This twilight photo must have been taken during the "disposable baby" years in the early sixties. Kid gets a dirty diaper? Give the stroller a shove! Kid starts crying? Walk away! Big sister can't take it any more and is trying to hide inside the trashcan.

"Where would you go first if you didn't get to the park until just after sunset?" Oxnard!... no wait.... Fresno!
I would first go on either Pirates or the Haunted Mansion, whichever had the shorter line.

Grade "A" Leftuggies today, Major. Thanks!

TokyoMagic! said...

The pic was definitely taken on the west side of the Rivers of America. Off in the distance, we can see the structure/cover on the Mark Twain's dock, through the openings in the ship (far right side of pic).

In the last pic, we can see Minnie on the other side of the gates. But it's "Clod Minnie"....the one with the dead weight hand and the parasol glued to her to her other non-operating hand (and her face?).

I think the parents told that kid in the stroller, "Look, you're over 3 now, and we don't want to have to buy you a ticket. The park closes at 7, so we'll be back to get you in a couple hours." Then they pushed that stroller away as hard as they could, and hightailed it into the park.

Chuck said...

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that the fist photo and closeup was taken in early 1957. TSI opened in the summer of '56, but people wouldn't dress this warmly in the summer, and the scene has an "early spring" vibe to it. And then we have all that red to contend with. The treehouse debuted in 1957, but I think that was in the summer, and construction and renovation projects didn't take years to complete back then (looking at you, Adventureland Treehouse). My theory is that this was taken in that portion of 1957 before treehouse construction started.

Concur that this is the west side of the island. Even if we couldn't see the riverboat landing in the rear right, we can see the southernmost of the west side docks on the left side of the photo with a sign that says "Huck's Landing." Later maps indicate that the landing by the fort was eventually given that name, but I have seen photographic evidence (I think here on GDB; it's been a minute) that this landing was called "Huck's Landing" first.

I think there were three streams that emanated from the base of the treehouse tree, which I believe was a Disneydendron yggdrasil.

In the second photo, that little girl is paying for all of the candy and soda and excitement of the day, proving the old adage, "what goes down must come up." Fortunately, the "push" panel is exactly the right height for her to put her little head in and yawn in Technicolor to her heart's content. Either that or she's foraging.

JG said...

Good call on the photo location, Major! I agree with everything so far, including the three streams of water, irrigating the 9 Realms (I won’t push the Norse Mythology any further, even though Chuck started it, or continued it).

I don’t recall that little bridge either, but I have a vague memory of other similar ones on the east (or north, or whatever) side, by the barrel bridge, so there’s that.

That little rascal is sure dressed up. Wonder where he’s heading? The Indian Formal Dance Circle? Was it a cotillion by now?

Those fancy trash cans withe red-green-yellow pattern were probably the most numerous, used outside at Ticket Plaza, all the way up Main Street to the Hub, and perfectly sized to allow a Toddler a brief visit to Chateau Chunder.

Nice work on the color gauging too! Thank you!


K. Martinez said...

The first pic is wonderful! Great shot of the Mark Twain. I'd say it was taken in Anaheim, California shortly after the orange groves sprouted hills and rivers. It was after this occurrence that Walt decided this area would be good for his settlement which included a railroad as it's mode of transportation.

Love these pics today! Thanks, Major.

Major Pepperidge said...

Nanook, I like how there’s the rustic bridge near the water, and the even MORE rustic bridge above it.

JB, I’m on to your tricks now! I think coat and tie kid is a tiny bit taller than the other kid, so I’m assuming he is “big brother”. And you might be right about it being a little early for the red coat fad, though we might have seen a lot more red coats if the camera was back further. I’m all for disposable babies, I’ve been to plenty of restaurants where I’ve wanted to put one in a trashcan. As for where to go first, I can’t make up my mind! There are too many good options.

TokyoMagic!, oh yeah, I didn’t even notice the Mark Twain dock. I’m also seeing another waterfall through the gaps in the Twain (straight below the life preserver). Wow, I did not even notice Minnie over there! “Clod Minnie” seems awfully harsh, but I don’t have a better nickname. I like the attitude of the parents who abandoned the stroller. HARD FACTS.

Chuck, I was thinking that the second photo was from late ’56, but we differ by only a few months. I don’t have a lot of time at the moment, so I couldn’t find an exact date for the opening of Tom’s Treehouse. Once TM and others pointed out the various landmarks, I now can be sure that the photo was taken from the west shore. The famous souvenir maps of TSI give the names of the three (?) landings, but I’ll have to look at those later. Hey, at least that little girl found a trashcan to “let go” in.

JG, my memories of Tom Sawyer Island don’t go back very far, since I did not actually visit it until I was an adult. Yet another feature that my family completely ignored for some reason. Bummer! I wish I’d seen it at its peak. I did get to go in Fort Wilderness, at least - maybe only once though. Somehow the yellow and green trashcans are the most “Disneyland” to me, I guess because I’ve seen them in so many Main Street photos. If I could have one, it would either be with that design, or one of the “It’s a Small World” designs.

K. Martinez, why you (voice of Moe Howard)! Yes, Anaheim, Earth, the Milky Way galaxy, etc. Walt made the right choice for the location of his park!

Anonymous said... answer to your question...and it being already dusk with little operating time first stop would be the restroom by Bank of America, after which refreshed, I would have maximum time hitting all the spots I could in the Park without interruption. And I speak from experience. KS

Major Pepperidge said...

KS, your answer is very practical! ;-) Plus I like the idea of being able to hit all of my favorite attractions without having to pause.

Dean Finder said...

Are you sure that's a formal kid in the first pic? Maybe it's Mickey Rooney