Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sleeping Beauty Castle, July 1960

Well, well, well. If it isn't Sleeping Beauty Castle. Long time, no see! Well, OK, I lied, but it's OK, I like SBC, especially in old photos, like these, taken at the height of Summer, 1960. When there are photos with a good crowd, I often wonder how many of those guests were visiting for the first time... I'm sure that, even then, many were SoCal locals (more or less). But most didn't want to spend $4.50 for those expensive ticket books, and I don't blame them. While it doesn't look like it was super early in the morning, everyone is headed toward the archway into Fantasyland. 

This one had a weird double exposure glitch at the bottom, which I cropped off because it wasn't an interesting glitch. Just unsightly. Funny, this picture must have been taken mere moments after (or before) the first one, but now we've got people heading toward us. "Well, it's 11:00 AM, I guess we'd better head for home". The girl in the foreground is holding a 1960 souvenir guidebook.

You know, this one.


Lou and Sue said...

The Dent!

walterworld said...

Nice to see all the banners flying...

Nanook said...

"The girl in the foreground is holding a 1960 souvenir guidebook". And the gal [on the left] in the foreground is walking next to a woman who may be carrying a Kodak Brownie Reflex camera.

Yes, those banners are really striking.

Thanks, Major.

JB said...

Major, how do you know this is a "good" crowd? They could be dripping with evil! Maybe you're able to see little halos above their heads?

Some of the people from the first pic are also in the second pic, like white-babushka-lady (in the blue dress); the guy in the blue shirt with white spots (and his family); and the gal in the white shirt with red polka dots.

Also in both pics is (like Sue said)... THE DENT! Not very prominent though. (The Dent, not Sue.)

In the souvenir guidebook photo, the family splashing down into the alpine lake in the Bobsled looks just a tad over-excited. I think they were instructed to show mass quantities of emotion.

It's actually been a while since we've seen a photo that featured Sleeping Beauty Castle as the focus of our attention. Thanks, Major.

Chuck said...

Based on the positions of the people visible in both images, I think these are posted in the order they were taken. Note that Guidebook Girl is in the middle of the first picture, looking over her left shoulder. Maybe she remembered something she had forgotten and turned back.

She looks remarkably like the first girl I ever took on a date, way back in 8th grade. She sat in front of me in Orchestra and played the viola. I asked her to a movie and she said “yes.” I took her to see Ghandi. There was no second date.

Who’s the dude with the ‘stache on the cover of the guidebook?

Melissa said...

Everybody got the memo to wear blue and white to Disneyland that day. I guess I've got to give the Vintage Fashion Award to the rebel in the red hat.

JG said...

Ah, the Dent. Once you see it, it cannot be unseen.

I wonder how it happened, and how it was decided to be allowed to remain? It must have been known back in day, by someone?

“Rebels in Red Hats”… Could be a movie title.

Chuck, I agree, the photos are either posted in sequence, or the crowd was walking backwards. The former is probably more likely.

Since the second photo shows the top of the tallest tower, I think the photographer may have realized the first shot didn’t get all of the view and went in for the second one.

Major, I like these, it’s nice to see SBC in its prime, thank you. Hope you’re having a good time. Travel safe.


JB said...

JG, "Ah, the Dent. Once you see it, it cannot be unseen.".. Well, except for Bu. Apparently he has Dent blindness. Oh wait, he hasn't even seen it once! (or so he says). So I guess he can unsee it... oh wait... never mind.

Surely Uncle Walt must have noticed The Dent on one of his many inspections of the Park?

Major Pepperidge said...

Hi folks, I’m back from my few days at the sanitarium. I mean amusement park! Yeah, amusement park! further details to come. Maybe. Today has been busy, so I apolotize for not getting into the comments until now.

Lou and Sue, the dent, but no stain. It’s like having vanilla ice cream with no mustard.

Nanook, it is kind of fun to see those old Kodak camera out in the wild!

JB, you make a good point, all of those guests might have handlebar mustaches - a dead giveaway that they are up to no good and are itching to twirl their whiskers. I can’t remember if there are photos of the photographer’s family in this batch (too many pictures to remember them all!), but it’s possible that the ones you mentioned are with him. As for the excited family, you should hear the whoops and yells of people as they start or finish Space Mountain! It’s like a pack of baboons has taken over. I always love the castle, but photos of it can get to be kind of “samey”.

Chuck, did you REALLY take your first date to “Ghandi”?? I’ve still never seen that movie, because there are no spaceships or robots in it (as far as I know). Your date probably still thinks about that magical evening, but she was too shy. The man on the cover of that guide book sold was a popular singer of the day, “Elvis” something.

Melissa, another example of certain colors being in fashion! Like the red coats and shirts that we see around 1957.

JG, a Junior Gorilla pointed out that in “Soaring Around the World”, at the end, when you fly over Sleeping Beauty Castle, you can actually see the dent! I didn’t believe it at first, but saw it with my own eyebones. “Rebels in Red Hats”, starring Jerry Lewis and Sir Lawrence Olivier. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry. I had a great time at Sea World (!), but my feet are still sore. It was worth though. I wish you and Mrs. JG had been there.

Bu said...

It's true: I have dent blindness...even when people make circles on the dent, I just can't see the big hullabaloo. Or is it Hoi Palloi.? And why do we say either? Onward: all the people going in and all the people going out. In one of the delightful alcoves where the banners are now is a trash can. Talk about a fall from grace. It's nice to see the castle in its naturally designed form. Hopefully, people will come to their senses. Babushka lady walking right looks like the same walk and stride of the real Maria Von Trapp as she is seen on a Salzburg street in the "I have confidence" number in The Sound of Music. It's a quick walk by: but look for this same lady: perhaps it IS Mme. Von Trapp in this photo? Could be. Does anyone know if MVT went to Disneyland? Probably was too busy with the ski resort. Perhaps Julie could of comped her in? Who knows: as Walt says "Anything is possible in Disneyland". Included an Earl Schieb paint job on this enchanting castle. For those who dont know who that is...look him up. Thanks Major!