Sunday Snoozles don't taste so great, but they are full of riboflavin; and, not to be rude, but all of you look like you could use more riboflavin in your lives.
The Jungle Cruise, along the Rivers of the World. Oh, that water is dark and scary, and full of things that want to eat you, or suck your blood, or lick your eyeballs. It's like visiting Hollywood, am I right? ZING! The jungle itself looks kind of scraggly, but we know that it is on its way to becoming lush and chocolatey (I couldn't think of another adjective). Hey! There's a snake in that tree. About twice a week, he reaches into a passing boat and swallows a guest. Will it be you??
Whenever I read the word "riboflavin", I always picture it being said by one of Jerry Lewis' zanier characters.
There's also something dark in the water, a bit closer than the crocs in the distance. Is it another croc? Or maybe a hippo. Or a coelacanth. Yeah, I bet it's a coelacanth. Coincidentally, they're very high in riboflavin! I love when the Jungle Cruise water looks black and inky. It's like the La Brea Tar Pits!
The photo of the Falls is quite nice. I guess it's a Snoozle because there's not much going on here. All it needs is a Jungle Cruise boat photoshopped into it, and 'wallah'! It would be postcard worthy! A few killer swans and AEDs wouldn't hurt either.
Sort of Snoozley, but not really. They're too nice for that. Thanks, Major.
Our photographer must have been seated at the back of the boat, because both views show us where the boat has already been, rather than where the boat is heading.
That rubber snake is definitely hanging from a walnut tree. Walnuts are high in riboflavin, or is it high ON riboflavin? Can’t be sure. Also not sure but looks like the Dominguez Palm in the background?
I’m fairly sure I saw the Flying Leeches opening for the Electric Piranhas at the Tomorrowland Stage in the 70s. Too much Cherry Mist soda.
Not many high degrees of certainty here, Major, except my gratitude for the pics. Thank you!
I am ashamed to admit I never noticed that the anaconda is snaking up the tree. I’m also ashamed to admit that I still haven’t learned how to tie my own socks.
JB, I am also ashamed to admit I had forgotten about the coelacanth.
TM!, these views also show where the boat is heading…in about ten minutes.
JG, considering the location, it might be a Waltnut tree. Oh, look at the time! I’ll see myself out.
This is slightly off topic but I've always thought it would be fun to have two versions of the Jungle Cruise (operating "side-by-side"). If you go into the right section of the queue you get the silly modern type Skipper with all the corny jokes and so forth. Or, you can go into the left section and get a Skipper who role-plays the experience like a serious safari adventure, but in a sort of 50's nature documentary style. Basically, every other boat would have the two different types of Skipper.
And maybe this would even give the Cast Members a chance to switch back and forth just to change up the routine during their work shift.
JB, I am sorry to have invoked Jerry Lewis (though I know what you mean)! I’ve never been a fan of Lewis’s schtick, but one of my best friends absolutely loves his movies, so it really is subjective. I prefer to think of Professor Frink from “The Simpsons” (even though I know that his voice is based on Jerry Lewis’s). I do think that’s a crocodile in the water, there is a ruined temple just beyond that tree that the croc (and his pals) guarded. The Schweitzer Falls isn’t terrible, there’s just too much “dark void” in it.
TokyoMagic!, the advantage of photos taken from the back of the boat is that there are no heads in the way!
JG, Amazonian walnuts are among the most nutritious of all nuts, and the snake knows it. I’m not sure how much riboflavin the nuts have, but they DO have a lot of retsin, which is harvested for Certs mints. Ha, actually, “Flying Leeches” and “Electric Piranhas” do sound like psychedelic band names!
Chuck, is the anaconda (or boa) snaking up the tree? Or is he just sitting there being lazy? It’s hard to tell when a snake is being lazy, I admit. I never forget coelacanths, they are the coolest. And delicious! “Waltnut tree”, ouch.
Anonymous, I admit that it might be nice to mix things up on the Jungle Cruise. I like the silly jokes, but it would be fun to not know which version you were getting. I guess the Skipper’s demeanor might give it away. If he/she is serious and drinking heavily, it will be the “realistic jungle excursion” version. I’m sure you’ve heard the old record album with Thurl Ravenscroft’s non-jokey narration, which gives us an idea of what the ride was like before they decided to make it funny.
JG, that does look like the Dominguez Palm. It has that elegant, well-kept look.
Chuck, I haven't learned to tie MY socks either! I bet there's a lot of us out there with the same disability. We should form a club, or an organization: Untied Socks Anonymous..... USA! USA!
Chuck, I don't know why I came up with "coelacanth" as a random bit of silliness. It just presented itself.
Major, I'm not a big fan of Jerry Lewis either, but I do like a couple of his movies, like "Who's Minding the Store?". Lots of familiar faces in that one. And a lot of visual gags that had me laughing.
I think we've used up the internet's daily quota for the word "riboflavin" today... Yay, us!
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