Monday, August 12, 2024

Nice Fantasyland

Let's visit Fantasyland, sometime in the late 1960s!  I'll bet many Junior Gorillas went to Disneyland in that general timeframe. I sure did. I originally thought these were from the early 1970s, but you'll see a clue in just a minute that clears things up a little. 

The ol' Pirate Ship still impressed guests after... well, in 1970 it had only been 15 years. But still! If you look closely you can see part of the "Chicken of the Sea" signage, which puts this photo at 1969 or before. There, that's the clue! Remember? From three seconds ago? I feel pretty proud of myself, I don't mind saying. To this day, the Mad Tea Party looks weird to me with that wrought-iron fence thingy around it, even though it was there for a pretty long time. I'm just not used to it being in photos I guess. Overhead, a turquoise Skyway gondola gives some guests a great view.

Just a bit to the east is the cheerful (but scary?) Skull Rock, a natural formation that boggles the imagination. A rock! That looks like a skull! All of the palm trees and tropical foliage evoke a desert island, perhaps someplace where pirates landed to hide their chests of treasure. Gimme gimme! Notice the blue sign for the GAF Photo Trail; GAF replaced Kodak in December of 1970 (according to one website); perhaps it took a while before the Chicken of the Sea signs were removed from the Pirate Ship?


Nanook said...

"If you look closely you can see part of the "Chicken of the Sea" signage".
I AM looking closely and I'm seeing Captain Hook's..." Also - no mermaid. I want my money back-! (But I'll forgo the exchange of funds as long as I can visit Skull Rock-!) All is forgiven.

Thanks, Major.

JB said...

I agree with Nanook, they're "Captain Hook" signs. But you can go on being proud of yourself, Major! ;-D

That first pic has a really nice composition. And we can see a bit of Skull Rock on the right, minus Skully, I think. Is that a black witch's hat that lady is wearing?

In the 2nd pic, we can see one of those piratey red & black trashcans in the Grotto next to Skull Rock. Skully looks especially nice here. The lighting is just right to show off his cracks and drool. Pretty sure the nautical flags spell out "eat more tuna".

Nice photos, Major. Even if there isn't any "Chicken of the Sea". ;-)

TokyoMagic! said...

JB, I think that is a "hillbilly" hat. It appears that in addition to a yellow feather, it might also have a corn cob pipe stuck in the top of it. Was this a direct tie in to everyone's favorite Disney short, "The Martins and the Coys", from everyone's favorite feature length Disney film, "Make Mine Music"?

Chuck said...

Don't feel bad, Major. Both restaurant names start with a "C" and use a similar font. We'll still come back tomorrow. Probably.

I may have commented on this before, but I love how the hedges along the skyline to the right of Skull Rock (just to the left of Monstro, who we can't see here) were trimmed to appear like a continuation of the rock formation that Skull Rock is part of. Subtle but effective, and not done at no cost. These are the details we love.

Chuck said...

Oh, and I love the red, white, and blue cap on the kid next to the garbage can in the lower right of the second picture. Just above the "o" in "blogspot." It's OK to stare; he's staring at us.

Bu said...

When we are at Disneyland, we wear fanciful hats...because that is what you do. When I am at carnies...I don't see a lot of hat many this is a Disneyland thing. I see some fun floppy hats: I remember my mom had a hat like that...but it was made with Budweiser cans and lime green crochet...I probably don't need to say that it's a hat she never wore. I liked it however. I also see a witchee-poo hat with a yellow bird on it or something, and a few sideburns...not sure why we thought those were great...maybe because of Elvis (?) I had those sideburns once too: but for a show: I don't think it was my "best look". Skull Rock! I saved that photo...I want to build this in my backyard...and light it all green and spooky at night...with all that free time I have: too bad none of those plants will survive: and I don't do plastic trees...perhaps I will build it all in a giant conservatory...with all the extra money I have....well: "dream big" I always say. Thanks Major!

Major Pepperidge said...

Nanook, ya see, I keep saying I’m not going to write my blog posts while only looking at the thumbnails. And then I do anyway! I guess I’m a li’l stinker. At least I am forgiven.

JB, I’m proud of myself, even if I am delusional! Funny, I didn’t notice the “witch hat”, what it really looks like to me is the felt hats that “Big Daddy” Roth used to sell through his catalogs. I want one! I think they should build a new Skull Rock, only they could make it Stitch. Or Buzz Lightyear.

TokyoMagic!, yes, a hillbilly hat! That’s a good descriptioin of those “Big Daddy” Roth hats too. I have no idea if it has any ties to a Disney movie, this is the first time I’ve ever seen one in a photo of the park that I am aware of.

Chuck, oh believe me, I don’t feel bad. I’m going to sail through life with a song in my heart (Yackety Sax) and a pocket full of lint. Do you think that the “hedges” are just rocks that have been enveloped by a vine of some kind?

Chuck, I think Groucho Marx wore a hat like that when he was much older. Like “Dick Cavett Interview” older.

Bu, I was going to say that I have never worn a fanciful hat at Disneyland, but then remembered that there is a photo of me at home (age, about 3) wearing Mouse Ears, and I still have my Donald Duck hat with the bill that squeaks when you squeeze it. Floppy hats, that’s my style now that I’ve decided that I need way less sun in my life. I don’t like wearing hats, but they are necessary. Budweiser cans in a hat? Hmmm. I always wondered is the 70s sideburns were a throwback to the whiskers that men sported during the Civil War era. It’s funny how folks despised long hair on men, but many of those same people would say that Buffalo Bill or Wild Bill Hickok were cool customers. I approve of your plan to build a Skull Rock in your backyard!

JG said...

I love these photos regardless of date or signage, but I tend to think these are more 1970’s. I think we had dated that wrought iron fence to around that time.

I remember those crocheted beer and soda can hats. Deeply weird in retrospect, but again, many things are.

Bu, since I plan to spend a spare billion on my backyard pirate ship and Skull Rock, perhaps we can go in and split the costs for the design drawings.

Thanks Major, these are greatly appreciated today.