Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Town Square Vehicles, 1956

Today's photos are stereo views from Town Square (there's City Hall in the background), featuring some Gurrmobiles.

There's a horseless carriage at the foot of Main Street, taking on a pipin' hot batch of passengers...

... and there it goes! I think that's Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver in the back seat. "Gee Wally!". The carriage looks great; I can see the family resemblance to Mr. Toad's cars. In the background, a group of women and girls has barely entered the park, but they already have their paper souvenir bonnets in place.

Well, OK, I really don't know if Bob Gurr had much to do with this Horse-Drawn Streetcar. It looks pretty authentic, but then again, so do his motorized vehicles. In any case, the streetcar continues to add color and movement to Main Street over 50 years later.

Just to be annoying, I'll say it again: Gee Wally!


  1. Gee Maj!

    ...Somehow I never noticed that vehicle's definite family resemblance to the Mr. Toad vehicles! Not very observant was I. Gurr...

    And how did those ladies and girls all get their paper hats when they haven't even hit the shops yet?! Are they on the way out...?

  2. Nice capture of the 'Bekins' moving van to the right in that last picture.
    Also of note, one of the few times I have noticed trash on the street. Very odd to see, this early in the day. (note the shadows are E. to W.)

  3. Which souvenir stand did the horse get it's hat from?

    The gate between Bekins and the Firehouse is open....I see dirt!

  4. I would love to have one day that is as crowd-less as this!

  5. One more thing...I thought the planters by City Hall had always been there. Looking at this last shot, I see that they weren't!

  6. Chiana, there was at least one rather large souvenir stand just outside the tunnels as you were about to enter the park. See it here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v470/bananaphone5000/GORILLLAS/Vesey.jpg

    TokyoMagic!, that is some pretty exciting dirt!

    Connie, I didn't even know that there are planters there now, I've probably walked right past them completely clueless.

  7. Thanks Maj. I remember that pic too! I tink what it is, is that I'm so used to thinking you buy character merchandise and maybe a map or something there, but not a paper hat. :p

  8. It's strange that the Main Street 'Directional Sign' is nowhere to be found in fround of city hall in these shots. Do you know if they were taken before June of '56?

  9. 'in front of city hall'...

  10. Ken, unfortunately all I have is "1956", which was written on one of the slides. I guess it is possible that the slides were not all taken at the same time, but were from several trips.
