Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tropical Imports, July 17 1968

Today's photo was taken on Disneyland's 13th anniversary. Since superstitious folks don't like 13th anniversaries, I'm curious if the park had any festivities going on that summer?

Anyway, this is a great picture of a lovely cast member from (according to the slide's label) the "Tropical Imports" shop in adventureland. Just look at all those hats! And try to imagine how much money was generated from the sale of hats throughout the park. In almost any photo, at least one person will be wearing a souvenir topper. I wonder if that plastic pith helmet to the left had a compass embedded in it?

Check out that cool costume; presumably the fabric was custom-made for Disney? It has a wonderful pattern of native shields and masks. "A" for AWESOMENESS! I'm sure one of these would fetch a buck or two on the collector's market today.


  1. Kevin's gonna "wow!" seeing that ultra-Tiki dress hehe

    Doubt I would've gone for a paper hat but I sure would have considered shading my dome with one of those fun hats. Then every time I went out in the yard and donned that hat I'd remember Disneyland. When it was worn out I'd think, "I need to go to Tropical Imports and get a new hat." In that sense... it'd be one expensive hat! :)

  2. "pith helmet" makes me giggle...

    Wow, that is a an amazing pattern on that dress, almost has a hint of late 60's United Airlines...

    Awesome (and pithy) post, thanks!

  3. Major- yes that fabric pattern was made especially for Disneyland. It actually comes in two colors, one is the more brown color and blue color as seen here, but there is also a more green and blue hues. By the way great image and I like how the cast member fits the part.

  4. Oh forgot to mention that cast members were given carnations as seen above her name tag on the anniversary day.

  5. That is very nice dress.
    Yes, I, over the years, have added to the chauffeurs filled to the brim(ha)by hat sales.

  6. When I saw a castmember I soooo wanted to "keep" my costume!

  7. I'm checking in late today, so Matterhorn's already put the "authentic" stamp on the outfit, but I wanted to mention that the shields are closely based on Rolly Crump's Tiki Garden signs (which in turn are based on the TR's body-length gable shields) and the United Airlines TR Welcome sign mask.

    The CM looks terrific in it.

  8. love this...its one of the reasons i want to work at Disney! they get the coolest costumes...
