Monday, May 17, 2010

Three Goodies

Today just happens to be the 1400th post on Gorillas Don't Blog! But, seeing as I just celebrated my four-year anniversary, I am keeping it a bit more low-key today.

In any case, I do have three very nice photos for you, starting with this fun July 1964 image showing the Tomorrowland Spaceman and Space Girl. Space Girl looks fantastic in her rather daring mini-dress and silver go-go boots. Hubba hubba! And her atomic headgear is what all women should be wearing today. Meanwhile, the real Spaceman must have been sick that day, so his skinny teenage son had to fill in for him.

This undated slide of Fantasyland is probably from around 1956 when the "3-D Jamboree" debuted at the Mickey Mouse Club Theater. Look at the line for the "Snow White" attraction! I can only assume that the lines were at least as long for "Mr. Toad" and "Peter Pan". Can you find the two girls in identical blue and white dresses?

These two happy women appreciated the colorful popcorn stand so much that they wanted to have their photo taken next to it. What could be in that large paper bag? A genuine animation cell? A souvenir map? That lady is also carrying a movie camera - I hope she got some good footage!


  1. Hey, we can see all the way through the second level of the castle up to the window that's in the front! Never noticed that before.

    Congrats Major, on number 1,400!!!

  2. I like space teens shades.

  3. Fun post and some great photos here. I am quite amused by space teenager (he's wearing a Future Watch, too, I see), and is that Walter Skinner from the X-Files again (his lookalike appeared in a photo of the Space Bar I believe) trying to take their photo? He must be staking out Tomorrowland for aliens.

  4. WOW - Space girl is HOT! I think she must have wandered off the set of "Barbarella"...

    Fantastyland looks packed as ever!

    Popcorn ladies are so elegant, you never see people like that at the park anymore...

    Congrats on 1400, here's to 1400 more - LOL!!!

  5. Great, great, great photos! And I love all the comments posted here, too! Ah a fellow X-Files fan, to boot, LOL! Love these, Major. I have to go back and look at them again.

  6. By the way, I always wonder if my dad is in any of the old shots you post. He loved Disneyland and would use any excuse to go to the Park. My mother never understood his love of Disneyland but I did...oh ya, I sure did!

  7. Spacefolk hehe! Neat-o daddy-o.

    Matching dresses? No... but I do see a lady with a striped skirt that goes wonderfully with the striped lamp post decor.

    Looks like the castle was wide open at first huh? Probably no time and $$ to finish it off much inside, that probably had to wait to the Sleeping Beauty walk through. :)

    Nicely dressed up, those two ladies, and it looks like the popcorn vendor guy is aiming to make time with one of 'em. ;)

    Goodies all right, thanks Maj!

  8. what a pretty day...i see the girls, right in the middle, and another lady in stripes just ahead of them a bit to the left

    plenty of flags as well, all the way out the to the train station

    great photos today :-)

  9. Now I think of it, I'm sure Dave of Daveland has a pic of these same two Space Teens. Unfortunately the pic isn't at his website so I can't find it, but I'm sure it's the same guy and probably same gal.

  10. You can clearly see the Mouseketeer 3D Jamboree posters on the Mickey Mouse Club Theater entrance. Very cool.
