Sunday, August 09, 2009

Teacups and Mill, August 1965

It's teacup time! Well, it is for a few people, anyway. Half of the cups are empty (see how I'm a "cup is half empty" guy?), but then again, the park doesn't look very busy at all. I'll bet this attraction was popular with hippies. Smoke a funny cigarette or take a little pill, and suddenly this was the greatest ride ever!

Harper's Mill is looking very much like a cottage in a Thomas Kinkade painting, the way it's covered in ivy or some other creeping vine. Kudzu?! Three ladies strike a pose (pretending they are the Supremes) as they exit the mill, overwhelmed after learning so much about flour. You can just see Rainbow Ridge in the distance...


  1. One thing about these two pics, they illustrate the variety there at Disneyland from the beginning. One is a classic ride in a sparse setting while the other is a cultural scene in a classic setting. Both made for a perfectly effective experience.

  2. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I am smoking one of those funny cigarettes right now, and the teacups are better than ever! It's the best way to look at vintage Disneyland pics, because it makes the whole scene totally come to life as if you were there back in the day. Highly recommend it to those of you who do not already partake.

  3. a different anonymous7:14 PM

    I'm not smoking anything, and they both look very nice. Tom Sawyer Island looked a whole heck of a lot better before Fantasmic! took over.

  4. Anonymous10:00 AM


    The original mill was never named or referred to as Harper's Mill. Just sayin'.

    Love the site!
