Monday, August 10, 2009

Main Street Station, 1957

Check out this beautiful photo of Main Street Station, circa 1957! The scene is lit with the late afternoon's golden light... everything seems to glow. The E.P. Ripley looks splendid as it sits next to the Kalamazoo Handcar; the old yellow passenger cars may have been difficult to load and unload, but don't they look wonderful? They are painted the same color as a Ticonderoga pencil. And mama mia, look at the posters! The Art Corner, Astro Jets, the 3-level Frontierland... some of the very rarest and nicest.

This slide is from the same lot as the previous one, but for some reason it came out very dark. Still, it's a nice look straight down the tracks for the Horse Drawn Streetcars (with only two jaywalkers to be seen). Favorite detail: The little buckaroo to the left, look for his cowboy hat!


  1. I want to step right into that second one, Vintage & Low Crowds! Thanks. That shot of the posters is insane!

    Ticonderoga pencils rule! I bet those old passenger cars got HOT in the summer, ever been in that caboose? It starts to cook in there when the train ins't moving even if its not that hot outside.

  2. Major, I have just gone through all your pictures that I have missed in the last week. And of course they are all absolutely awesome. The TWA brochure is fantastic, gotta get one of those. The Knotts and EXPO 67 pics are very cool. And Betty at the Golden Horseshoe is great. Great Lady!Glad to be back, Richard.

  3. I too loved the brochure. The TWA "Connie" brought back a memory of the Mickey Mouse Club series about becoming a pilot and stewardess. Loved the image of two kids dressed up in uniforms and going through the training on the big Constellation.

  4. thanks for the posters!!!!! :D

  5. I wanna ride that train! :)

  6. the poster shot is perfection on earth.
