Saturday, August 08, 2009

EXPO '67

It's time to return to Montreal, 1967! Somehow I have acquired a bunch of slides from Expo '67, so I might as well use them.

I am happy to see that my art education has not totally gone to waste... I didn't know anything about that crazy sculpture except that it looked like it was done by Alexander Calder. And sure enough, he done did it! It's called "Man". What else would it be called?

Here's the lovely Thailand pavilion, which was built in Thailand and shipped in pieces to Montreal. "In the pavilion area both the scenic beauty and the oriental atmosphere of Thailand are represented. Both ancient and modern Thailand have their place in the display, and there are exhibits of fine art, handicrafts and other aspects of the culture of the country." In the pond to our left is a model of a ceremonial barge.

Here's another angle of the Thai pavilion (and barge). Say, what's that crazy rainbow building in the background?

It's "Kaleidoscope", that's what! "This pavilion presents Man and Color - an adventure in color, motion and sound. The exterior of the pavilion is round, with 112 fins painted in a spectrum of vivid colors surrounding the circular steel frame.
Seen from Expo-Express, Minirail, or the ground, it appears to change its color. Entering the pavilion, the visitor is carried away by a world of moving colors. Using a completely unique process, this remarkable structure actually places one inside a kaleidoscope. The show proceeds through a 12 minute "day" from sunrise to nightfall, during which one experiences the emotional, psychological and even physical effects of color."

There is an excellent website that has been very helpful to me in researching these photos, it is:, and it has been invaluable. Check it out if you want to learn more about this popular fair!


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Thailand? I'm not sure about that. In episode 1 (series 1) of Batman, it is labelled as the Republic of Moldava, land of charm. (and barge)

  2. That "Man" sculpture is a little reminiscent of a sculpture that sat on top of a car wash that used to be located at the corner of Ventura Blvd. and Laurel Canyon Blvd. in Studio City, CA.

  3. I want that little barge, I think it would look great hanging from the ceiling in my tiki bar!

  4. The Kaleidoscope building looks just a little bit too much like an automotive air filter.

  5. lovin' these

    i always enjoy photos where i can get modern as well as traditional in the same picture

    bring on more from Expo '67!
