Eight hundred posts, zowie! I never thought I'd see the day.
Here's a beauty, a shot from December 29th, 1956 showing the fabulous Autopia. I love the bright sunshine and vivid color on this one, not to mention the glimpse of a relatively undeveloped Anaheim just over the berm. What are all those green leafy things? Perhaps they are what you hu-mans call trees. Meanwhile, kids are navigating the harrowing half clover-leaf (Easy does it! Hands at 10 and 2!) while others are coming to the end of their mini-adventure. Personally I would want that two-tone red and white car, it's a beauty. Is the girl who's driving it wearing mouse ears?

Now for a mystery photo! I don't know if this next one is a Disneyland slide, but it was in a small batch of park images (from 1957), so I am crossing my fingers that it is a rare view of something. The slide has turned a lurid magenta* , so please forgive the strange appearance. Could it be the interior of the Kodak shop on Main Street? I asked someone who might possibly remember this from the 50's, and he said he didn't recognize it. Could it be from Knott's? I really have no idea. Anyway, as you can see, there is a tableau featuring a mother and her sissy-boy son posing for an old-timey photo for an old-timey photographer. Watch the birdie! Nice lace collar, Percy. I think those mannequins were seen in a classic "Twilight Zone" episode. Marsha! If anybody out there has a clue about this photo, please chime in!
*FYI, "Lurid Magenta" is the name of my rock band, we cover Led Zeppelin songs at Mr. Grouchy's every Wednesday.

The year: 1955! The thingamabob: A genuine, bona-fide, electrified, six-car Stagecoach! I love this photo, with the little boy riding shotgun and waving at us, smiling his goofy smile. He's got his souvenir banner too! The driver is looking off towards the horizon, wondering if those thunderheads will cause a flash flood, and could that dust cloud be a massive heard of buffalo? Sometimes they take days to pass. If anybody can get these folks to the fort before nightfall, he can.

Thanks to all of the readers of "Gorillas Don't Blog", and to those of you who take the time to comment! It's been lots of fun (when I'm not going insane trying to write something about the Mark Twain for the 400th time). For now my goal is to reach 1000 posts; after that, who knows. But I'll feel like I've achieved something!