Today I decided to post some miscellaneous odds and ends. Maybe, grouped together, they make an interesting post! First up I thought I'd show this image of a little mountain village from Storybook Land. You can almost imagine gangs of yodeling teenagers keeping hardworking toymakers awake. Perkypickle, didn't you need a shot of this area? Hopefully this shows whatever you were looking for.

I love this next picture! There was an entire lot of slides with this swingin' couple (the lady on the left is a mystery). In every photo, the woman on the right was dressed like a former Las Vegas showgirl. Lots of fringe, bared midriff, big hair, and groovy accessories. The gentleman often had a gold medallion around his neck, and he was partial to kimonos. And they went to a lot of parties! All three folks have that paper ticket on a string, was that some sort of pass?

OK, I know that the photo below was taken from a Jungle Cruise boat as it returned to civilization. But what is the name of the restaurant that had this musical trio? This was from way before the Tahitian Terrace. I could do some research, but that would involve effort!

And finally, here's another slide from August 13, 1955. There aren't too many people around, maybe it's early morning. In fact it MUST be early morning...see the milkman climbing aboard?