Thursday, September 05, 2024

Adventureland Scenes, June 22, 1965

Hey hey! Let's all wish GDB friend Grant a very Happy Birthday! Sue B. provided a hilarious vintage b-day photo, four kids (all siblings?) sitting at the kitchen table. Is the boy to the right the celebrant? If so, his sister is giving him some lethal side-eye. Hopefully Grant will have more fun!


I'd say 90% of my Adventureland slides are from the Jungle Cruise, so I'm always grateful when I have other views from there.  

OK, I know that this one has "issues". Hey, so do I, and yet I am still humble and lovable. The focus is a bit soft, but it's still an unusual angle on the Tahitian Terrace - normally photographers are facing the stage, which makes sense. But in this view, it appears that somebody looked behind them (if you look carefully you can see some buildings from outside the Terrace). So... I'll take it! The waitresses stand out in their brightly-colored dresses. And that one kid ordered the always-popular Chunk o' Pineapple.

And now for something a bit more familiar - it's the Barker Bird and Uti. Uti looks stern, but inside she is a-burble with laughter. She has grown to love the Barker Bird and his little straw hat. I'm glad these two crazy kids are together. 


Nanook said...

Once again - 'if looks could kill' the birthday boy-? would not be among the living. The sisters-? appear to be wearing matching outfits, but the birthday boy is wearing the most strange-looking shirt/top/I don't know what, for the festivities. (Hopefully it's disposable so it can be 86'd, pronto).

Bonus points for the unusual view of the Tahitian Terrace-!

I see United was known as The extra care airline. I wonder how they are thought of today... perish the thought.

Thanks, Major - and Happy Birthday Grant-!

TokyoMagic! said...

There is a cake with lit candles in front of side-eye girl. Maybe she's trying to decide exactly when she should smash the entire cake into her brother's face. Hmmm.....before I blow out the candles, or after? It's a tough choice.

I wonder what that little thatched hut was used for, just inside the entrance to the Tahitian Terrace? Was it the bar? It does look like there is a bar just to the left of it. But the T.T. didn't sell alcohol, did it?

Thanks for the vintage Adventureland pics today, Major, and the vintage b-day pic, Sue! And a very happy birthday, to Grant!

JB said...

Happiest of birthdays to you, Grant!

Wow, "lethal side-eye" is right! I bet B-Boy turned into a frog right after this photo was taken! The two sisters look like twins, and as Nanook says, they're dressed the same. (Where are you, Melissa?)
I almost didn't see the cake in the center of the table; it really blends in! I see a crocheted(?) pot holder tacked to the wall; I bet Grandma made that. There appears to be a small milk bottle on top of the fridge (with a little bit of milk in it). And what is that thing next to it, with the light bulb attached? I think it's a time machine.
Thanks, Sue, for another "interesting" vintage scene.

Major, that's not "Chunk o' Pineapple" that kid is eating. He just had some extra-spicy Kung Pao Chicken, and now he's shooting flames out of his mouth!
Where was the photographer standing? He's at the same level as the Tahitian Terrace roofs.

The Barker Bird looks like he's smoking a cigarette, and holding another cig in his hand... wing? He looks like a shady character, "Step right up, folks! Try a little game that I call 'Three-card monte'. Everybody's a winner!" Uti seems to be doing her Lady Liberty impersonation, with her arm upraised, holding a torch aloft.

Thanks, Major and Sue.

JB said...

^ I meant to say "a small baby bottle on top of the fridge."

Lou and Sue said...

Happy Birthday, Grant!
The Tahitian Terrace would be a great place to celebrate a birthday! If we only could!!

Is that a tiki baby I see hanging from the roof? I want one.

Great pics, Major.



The small hut at the entry of The Tahitian Terrace was for the hostesses to stand and store menu’s and lei’s. I know lei’s were given to dinner show guests …… but I guess not to lunch time guests as nobody is wearing them in the picture!! This restaurant and The Blue Bayou had such a problem with me u’s being stolen , Disneyland began to produce “souvenir” miniature menus so guests good take those home and protect the expensive full-size menus!! The souvenir menus are rather common for BOTH restaurants …. But they can get pretty pricey as re-sellers don’t understand they are not the actual menu’s but guest giveaways… and exist in the millions .

JG said...

Happy Birthday Grant! Many happy returns of the Day!

I don’t know what that means but Owl said it to Piglet, so it must be Good Wishes.

I think little Sis is somewhat jealous. I love the old kitchen, our dinner table was right in the kitchen too. Handy to the fridge.
Cake AND cookies! Lucky kids.

Seeing the girls matching outfits makes me think of Melissa, I hope she’s OK.

What a nice view of the Tahitian Terrace, sorry I missed this place. Was the photo taken from the stage? An elevated perspective for sure.

I love the Barker Bird and his squeeze UTI, a cute couple. And to think I once doubted his existence.

Thanks Sue and Major for a good chuckle this AM.


K. Martinez said...

Happy Birthday, Grant!

That cone-head side-eye girl will not be invited back to any future birthday parties. She's already got her sister shook-up.

Thanks for the pics Major and Sue.

Major Pepperidge said...

Nanook, Birthday Boy wasn’t killed, but he woke up covered in green and yellow bruises. Yeah, what’s up with that shirt, anyway? Ha, I remember when I was a kid my grandparents always flew United because it was “the best”. And then it started morphing into one of the worst. Arg.

TokyoMagic!, I thought that the cake was sort of in the middle of the table, but maybe it IS her cake? If so, you’d think she’d be a little happier. Maybe she’s crazy! Joan Crawford crazy. Good question about the little thatched hut, I don’t even have a good guess. Did the Tahitian Terrace have its own tropical punch? I’ll have to dig out one of the menus to see. Maybe you could get those at the bar.

JB, ha ha, yes, the little girl was a witch. She didn’t know the strength of her powers yet and all sorts of things happened. Things that we shan’t talk about, things we can’t talk about. And yes, where is Melissa? I need more pot holders hanging on my wall, time to go to Target. Wow, imagine if Disneyland actually served spicy food! A piquant Kung Pao Chicken would be quite the thing. I was wondering if the photographer stood on his chair, or maybe even got on the stage if not performance was happening? The Barker Bird would never smoke, his birdy body is his temple.

JB, I’m sorry, but we’ve already recorded your sentence to the official government record. It can’t be altered.

Lou and Sue, oh man! I didn’t see the baby tiki! I want one of those SO much.

Mike Cozart, ah, I thought you might know what that hut was for, and I actually kind of suspected something along the lines of what you said. Think of how many thousands of those leis were given out over the years, and yet I’ve never seen one on eBay or anywhere else. I have a photo in which you can see a tag that indicates that they were made for Disneyland, so they are not generic. I have a full-sized lunch and dinner menu from the Terrace, but I also have a number of the mini menus, I like seeing the variations in prices and different food offerings. Maybe I should scan them for the blog.

JG, yeah, what does “Many happy returns of the day” mean exactly? That the celebrant gets happiness? I have some photos of my own birthdays from the early years, and I get the feeling my older brother (18 months older) is a little jealous that I am getting all the attention. He loved that year and a half of pure adoration! The photo is elevated enough that it really might be taken from the stage, not sure if there were steps up to it, or if the photographer was just gutsy enough to hop up there.

K. Martinez, ha ha, I hope that miffed girl got over herself. You get invited to more parties if you’re nice!


MAJOR: the Tahitian Terrace DID have its own punch! It was done in the same fashion as the JUNGLE JULEP ( offered again today at BENGAL BBQ) but with a tropical punch flavor … carbonated water , chipped ice ,punch . For the anniversary of the Tiki Room and a special Club 33 retro Tahitian Terrace event , a exclusive two sided TAHITIAN TERRACE PUNCH recipe postcard was issued compliments of DOLE PINEAPPLE ( I don’t know why because Dole did not sponsor the “terrace”) the original full batch recipe for debugging hundreds of people and a home serving version of the recipe was given. Both use granulated sugar . These Disneyland carbonated punches were sold in different flavors and lands under names like JUNGLE JULEP , MARDI GRAIS PUNCH , HUCK FINN FREEZE, SPACE MIST PUNCH.

Btw - Sue noticed the “baby tiki” hanging from the Tahitian Terrace entry bridge. Those tiki babies - from the tiki garden preshow used to decorate the exterior of the restaurant and roof eves …. In fact most of the tiki babies people have in their collections come from the Tahitian Terrace and NOT the Tiki Room. Either way they are mostly identical except their paint finished and all are coveted by collectors today.


SERVING = debugging ( thanks smart phone!!)

Lou and Sue said...

^ LOL! Thanks, Mike. I was reading your comments and got stuck on “debugging”—trying to figure out what you meant. Now I know.

Grant said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. I haven't commented in a while but I'm still here most every day (although usually so late that most people wouldn't see my comment) but I read and enjoy the witty banter and cool stories that junior gorillas are so good at.

Major, thanks so much for all the awesome photos. I enjoy them all (even the Snoozles). This place continues to be The Happiest Blog on Earth! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay TT. HBD Grant. ‘Many happy returns of the day’ means just that, may you have many more birthdays each year. Pinched menus? Ooops that might be me.