Two Nice Randos
Happy Friday! As you saw in the title, I have two randos for you today, and I think they are pretty nice examples. First up is this scan from October 1963, with a view of the old Indian Village on the western shore of Frontierland (roughly where the Haunted Mansion stands today). The angle is unusual, I believe that the Rivers of America would be directly behind us - but I'm not 100% positive. You could show this to most people and they'd have no clue that this was in Disneyland. There are some tepees, along with the anachronistic totem pole to the left. A lone guest can just be seen next to the foremost tepee, but things look pretty quiet around there.
Next is this scan from September, 1968. It's a bit darker than I'd like, but I liked the composition, looking at the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, with some of Skull Rock's waterfalls, and the lagoon's tropical plants in the foreground. It's as if we just happened upon this tableau after wandering lost on an island! That magical mermaid might grant you a pipin' hot tuna burger.
Skull Rock would be whispering too!
Thank you Major
Two more lovely photos-! Nice touch that the Indian Village cleverly disguised their TV antennas so well (or maybe they already had cable-!)
Skull Rock provides another opportunity to view a partial look at "the backside of water".
Thanks, Major.
Wow, this IS a nice pic! Excellent composition and colors. The totem pole may be anachronistic, but it sure looks good! One can almost forgive the trashcan, front and center, because it doesn't look like a trashcan. "Waste Push". It was bad enough when they told us to "Waste Paper", now they want us to waste push. What if I don't want to waste push? Push is a terrible thing to waste! Those feather 'sunbursts' on the poles always remind me of hard candy: butterscotch, peppermint, cinnamon.
"It's as if we just happened upon this tableau after wandering lost on an island!".
Exactly! We just hacked our way through a dense island jungle and have come upon this sight. Pirates, they be! "Walk the poop deck!" "Hoist the cannon!" "Belay the anchor!" "Shiver me mainsail!" "Arrrr!" (I didn't say they were experienced pirates.)
Like Nanook said, two more nice photos! Thanks, Major.
It looks like there is a wooden screen inside that teepee on the right. Does anyone know if there were little scenes inside some of the teepees? Like maybe one of a young Darth Vader, building R2-D2.
Thanks for the "Nice Randos," Major!
The door on the pirate ship leading to "the seat of ease" seems to have been left ajar.
Is is chicken? and WHY was it chicken? and WHO thought that up? Well: I looked it up, and it comes from fisherman calling albacore Chicken of the sea, as it's light in color and mild. Actress Grace Lee Whitney was the model for the mermaid: forever immortalized. She has quite the interesting history. RIP. The dark photo gives an aura of foreboding ....but I like it. I think the Indian village is more where the canoes are now....and yes, I think we are facing the river: with the island back there. But zooming in...hmmm....some forensics are due here. I remember being a bit frightened by the Indians and their dancing and war chants....even if they were friendly. I was rather a tender child. I still don't particularly like loud disturbances today...or yelling/shrieking/etc. I had the same type of unsettled reaction to tribal dances of the Masai. Enough of me...thanks Major for the trip to '63.
More foliage foreground action, Nice.
The Indian Village pic is wonderful. Love the coloring and composition. Is that the stiff buffalo in the background?
Thanks, Major.
The combination of tribes in the Indian Village made it more fun. You didn’t have to eat roast buffalo every day, you could have smoked salmon or barbecued duck. I think those stump trash cans must have been expensive since we saw them only here and TSI. Most Frontierland locations were the painted logs on a regular can. I do think that’s Stiffy the Buffalo in the background, he was shy and didn’t talk much. I barely remember the IV, I don’t think we went out that far very often. This is a fine photo, captures the essence.
Now the Pirate Ship OTOH, what a great photo, straight to the desktop! The rocks, the foliage, the waterfalls. I can hear and feel this picture. Bu, Grace Lee Whitney? Really! I love that. I can see the resemblance now. From mermaid to Captain Kirk’s yeoman, what a career. RIP indeed. I’ve often thought that Disney should buy Star Trek, move all Star Wars IP to Wookiee World and re-do Tomorrowland in the Star Trek Universe. But they won’t do this since ST has already been wrecked, no need to do more. Now I want a tuna sandwich.
Thanks Major, such wonderful pics, memories and stories today.
walterworld, what would Skully say??
Nanook, my mom has a neighbor who has an antenna that must be 60 feet tall, that guy *really* doesn’t want to pay for cable. I wish the Tuna Boat photo was a bit brighter, but I really like that one.
JB, trashcans are just a fact of life at Disneyland, I’m sure Walt would have preferred to not have them all over. But… where you have thousands of people, you have tons of Waste Paper. If a pirate told me to “walk the poop deck”, I would giggle, and that would just make the pirate more angry.
TokyoMagic!, I’ve wondered about the insides of the tepees too, some have lattices that completely block the entrances, while others are clearly designed to let people in. Could it just be like that so that guests could get the feel of what it was like inside a tepee? Also, remember that terrible Boba Fett show on Disney)+? He was rescued by the Sand People, who were “native people”, and he learned their ways and became their protector. They didn’t live in tepees though.
Steve DeGaetano, “seat of ease”, you mean an Easy Chair? :-)
Bu, I thought tuna were “chickens of the sea” because of their feathers. I’d never heard that Grace Lee Whitney was the model for the mermaid, so that’s a new one. After you said she had an interesting story, I looked her up on Wikipedia. Holy moly. You might be right about the location of the Indian Village, I’m terrible with that sort of thing - I think I read about the Haunted Mansion location online. Although I think I’ve also read that the old Plantation House was in the location where the Mansion is now? I don’t understand why you don’t like people shrieking at you, because I like it a lot!
MS, yeah, that would be another great Viewmaster shot!
K., Martinez, aha, good eye, I did not notice the buffalo!
JG, I agree with you about the Indian Village and its mix of tribes - it just looks a little “off” to see the tepees of the Plains right next to a Northwest totem pole. But somehow I will survive! Ha ha, you must be hungry: “smoked salmon or barbecued duck”. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen stump trashcans like the ones at Disneyland, so they must have been made just for (or by) Disneyland. As I’ve said before, my family never walked over to the Indian Village, for some reason. I wonder if they even knew it was there? I’ve seen photos of Imagineer Chris Mueller sculpting the mermaid, I just assumed that she was done from sketches. i’d love to know if Grace Lee Whitney really was the model! Has Star Trek been wrecked? I liked the episodes of “Strange New Worlds” that I have seen, I thought it was a good throwback to TOS.
JG, my wife and I went to Wookie World wearing t-shirts that looked like ST crew tunics. I hope we showed up in the background a few people's pictures looking like an away team from the Enterprise inexplicably on a Star Wars planet
Is it "Stiffy" the stuffed buffalo, or "Stuffy" the stiff buffalo? I wonder what would happen if the Friendly Indians bit into a barbecued AED?
^ They’d be stiffy.
Dean Finder, that is hilarious. I think the multiverses will touch eventually as both IPs run out of ideas.
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