Monday, September 09, 2013

Pirate Ship Dining Area, August 1963

We've seen oodles of photos featuring the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship, but today's entries are (thankfully) a bit on the unusual side.

Like this first picture, showing a nice view of the outdoor dining area behind the ship. Marooned pirates have made makeshift shelters out of extra sails so that we can eat our tuna burgers and drink our Pepsis in comfortable shade. There are plenty of empty tables, let's eat now before it gets too busy! I love the detail of the Casey Jr. in the background.

Nearby Skull Rock is also a popular photo subject, but this picture is taken from inside one of the grottoes that are a part of that strange rock formation, sculpted by thousands of years of wind and water and elves. The photographer got artsy! In this shot we see the back side of water and look through to our favorite pirate ship.


  1. Ah to eat our savory tuna sandwiches and drink our stout Pepsis, me hearties! 'tis a sweet pretty spot 'a shore, matey.

    Well it is them pirates not be minding making friendly-like, forsaking their sails for to spare the sweat from your brow; if I may make so bold: trading in pirated tuna and soda soothes their black hearts proper like, having the company share of what's betaxed from the customers' purse.

    Looks like some Swiss visitors are waylaid in the middle back of the top pic, on their way to the horn that matters of course. Least ways that be good Leiderhosen they be wearin'.

    Truth it is I be hopin' this here pirate talk swiftly departs, I do.

    Nice to see it from a pouncing mermaid's POV in the 2nd pic.

  2. That dining area could not be cuter! It looks like something straight out of a toy pirate playset. And, ‘ello, ‘ello, ‘ello, I think I spies me a red babushka under the blue-and-white awning!

  3. I have such great memories of this place. I used to get the tuna burger, a small bag of potato chips, a soda and a red Jello cube for dessert. This and Welch's Grape Juice Bar made Fantasyland such a fun place to eat. Both pics are extra-cool today! Thanks.

  4. Couldn't agree more with K. Martinez. It was always my favorite spot, to at least get-away for a moment - if not actually dine. A 'micro kingdom' within the Magic Kingdom.

    Thanks, Major for these great images.

  5. Chiana, it does look like somebody from the Matterhorn is taking a break back there! It's hard to tell for sure. You'd think that cast members had their own comfy (and air conditioned?) dining areas, but sometimes it's just nicer eating outdoors.

    Melissa, you have extremely acute Babushka vision!

    K. Martinez, I never ate there. I think my parents assumed that it was an attraction of some kind and not just a restaurant, so we always ate somewhere else. In my memory it was always Tomorrowland, but that might be inaccurate.

    Nanook, it's those little "hideaways" (are there any left?) that were always special places at Disneyland.

  6. The second picture is lovely, of course, but you'd expect no less in a park designed by movie artists. The sponsor's logo is perfectly framed, too!

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s lunch for me!

    We slice and we spread and we garnish, to boot,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!
    Our ale’s made of ginger; our beer’s made of root,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s lunch for me!

    We serve up our salad in clippers and boats,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!
    Or “diet-e-tic,” if yer feelin’ the bloat,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho.

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s lunch for me!

    A warm tune burger’ll melt our cold hearts,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!
    We auctions our wenches and sells our fruit tarts,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s lunch for me!

    We're rascals, sous-chefs, villains, peg-legs,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!
    We’ll make you a sandwich, but can’t cook you eggs,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s lunch for me!

    We're beggars and blighters and slingers o’ hash,
    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!
    Aye, but we're loved when we rake in the cash,

    Eat up, me hearties, yo ho!

    Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s lunch for me!

  7. SundayNight6:35 PM

    Arrrrrr Melissa!

  8. That waterfall shot is a wowzer!

  9. @K Martinez and Nanook.

    A favorite place for lunch, tuna sandwich, chips and a bit of my Dad's little apple pie tart, sitting right on that part of the stone bench seen in the pool of sunlight in the photo. Feeling the rock vibrate as Casey Jr. went by, behind a screen of bushes.

    Reading the old menu again, I feel so sorry for my Dad, who hated fish, but he always went along with eating here. I hope he enjoyed the shady little grotto.

    If you look closely in lower right, you can just make out the pebbled paving, quite different from the concrete in other parts of the Park.

    Thank you, Major. Very soothing images.


  10. Beautiful! Two views not often enjoyed. :-)
