Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Matterhorn Instamatics

If you could take all of the photos of Disneyland's Matterhorn and lay them side by side, they would probably reach the real Matterhorn, and back, dozens of times. It was a real camera magnet. 

At least this is an unusual angle, looking up from near the base. Could the sky get any bluer? It really sets off the gleaming "snow". The Monorail makes a special guest appearance! 

And here's another uncommon view, presumably snapped from the Autopia. The Matterhorn's peak has a slightly truncated look from this angle. I know that if I had seen this picture in a book when I was a kid, I would be champing at the bit to get back to Disneyland!


  1. The second image was snapped from the Monorail passing through the area with a view looking towards the Fantasyland Autopia load area. The PeopleMover track is visible and if you look hard enough can see a yellow PeopleMover vehicle hidden behind the foliage just above the blue Autopia car.

    The Mark II Blue with blue sky is also nice. Thanks for another unusual set of pics today.

  2. I love the theme of "Blue vehicle passes Matterhorn." it gives the old girl a real sense of motion, especially in the first one. That blue Mark II looks like Mr. Limpet as the love child of Iron Man and RoboCop on Fish Steroids.

  3. @Melissa - You slay me!

  4. K. Martinez, thanks for the correction! I wouldn't have guessed it was from the Monorail.

    Melissa, thanks, now I can't help thinking of Iron Man "with" Mr. Limpet.

  5. what a visual! :-0

    Love the color of the Matterhorn in the sunlight and that blue sky and Monorail Blue gliding by....gorgeous!
