Thursday, January 03, 2013

Two From August 27, 1965

Both of today's photos are dated "August 27, 1965", which helps us to find some fun specific information about that particular day (thanks, as always, to Jason's Disneyland Almanac). It was a Friday, and the park was open from 9 o'clock AM until 1 o'clock the following morning. It was hot (a high of 89ยบ), and the attendance was 34,255. 

First up is this nice shot of the Haunted Mansion, some four years before the attraction would actually open. It looks so beautiful and grand... if you showed somebody this photo out of context, they probably wouldn't guess that this is a picture from an amusement park. Just look at it! So detailed and elegant. The color might be a bit off here, but the decorative wrought iron does not appear to be as green as it is painted today.

What do you do when you are aboard the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship? You might grab a bite to eat in the galley, but mostly it was fun to explore and to enjoy the elevated viewpoint from the decks. The whirling, colorful teacups attracted the eyes of many photographers; how could it not? Behind the teacups is the tent with the Carrousel, which is surrounded by all of the old Fantasyland dark rides.


  1. I think I could stand on the deck of the Chicken of the Sea
    Pirate Ship for hours, and just watch the comings and goings in Fantasyland. What a great shot. Thanks, Major.

  2. It looks like someone left one of the attic windows open in that first pic!

  3. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I can imagine that the second photo is exactly what the DL designers would have presented to Walt before construction began - like an artist's concept of how the visual lines would appear, how the castle would loom in the background, leading lines from foreground to attraction, etc. And bless the Instamatic camera...square composition serves this photo perfectly!

    Bill in Denver

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It is interesting to see how the Haunted Mansion grounds have changed since 1965. The grass area and the flowers around the mansion are now gone of course. I'm not sure if the plants in the foreground beneath the brick wall along the concrete path are gone or not. It would seem to me they were paved over for a wider pathway.

  6. Nanook, I think the last time I actually stood on the deck of the Pirate Ship, I was a very small child. For some reason we just didn't visit that beloved landmark, and I regret it now!

    TokyoMagic!, you're right! I didn't notice that. Wonder who was up there?!

    Bill, that particular slide is actually one half of a stereo pair... I probably should have mentioned that.

    OC Native, do you happen to remember a bird bath being in the front yard of the Mansion? I just found two photos in which you can see one, and I can't recall ever seeing a bird bath there before.

  7. Chuck9:29 AM

    Things were a bit crowded inside the Haunted Mansion before the show building was constructed. For non-corporeal beings, ghosts actually take up a surprisingly large amount of space, so you can imagine just how stuffy it must have been inside with 999 of them. The attic window was left open to allow for a bit of air circulation to prevent heat casualties amongst the spirited staff.

  8. The whole Pirate Ship and Skull Rock Lagoon was a regular hangout for me. I don't think I've ever seen a pic of the entry bridge for Chicken of the Sea from that angle before. Cool!

  9. We used to go on the ship to get our tuna sandwich lunch every visit (which was, unfortunately, only once a year in the Summer, maybe twice if we were lucky). It was also a great place to watch the Summertime fireworks from. They didn't need to close Fantasyland back then and they weren't the big productions like they are now - but for us back then, they were grand.

  10. Chuck, Little Leota only took up a tiny bit of space.

    K. Martinez, I feel like we've seen so many views from the ship, but I'm glad if this one is unique!

    Irene, I never even thought about how great it would have been to watch the fireworks from the deck of the Pirate Ship!! Oh man, one more thing I wish I could have experienced.

  11. Hello Major,

    Yes I remember a birdbath on the grounds of Haunted Mansion now that you mention it.

  12. Wow! Look at all those vintage Fantasyland dark rides. Sweeeetttt!

  13. Regarding the Haunted Mansion birdbath: there is still one there, now planted with with more of the purple/red foliage also in the pet cemetery, it is just tucked behind the hearse (which blocks the view of it), unless you come up the wheelchair ramp back there or peek around behind it while standing on the porch.
