Friday, January 04, 2013

Fantasyland, 8-15-59

Here are two bright, sunshiny photos from August 1959, mere weeks after the debut of the Mighty Matterhorn (among other things).  Jolly stripes are the thing, from the sails of the Pirate Ship to the umbrellas, the Storybook Land ticket booth, and various tents. This elevated perspective was presumably taken from the Monorail.

I suppose it was almost inevitable that we would get a picture of the Matterhorn. Those blue banners were seen for a few months around its debut. Joe Football and Cindy Pepsquad make a great looking couple, don't they?


  1. Joe and Cindy look too cool. It's like they are about to strike a Zoolander pose for the cameraman at any moment. That's if they dont walk into Keyser Söze trying to blend into the corner.

    I love the attention to detail. The blue and white striped benches match the trashcans. Cool photo.

  2. Neat! I love how you could see those tiers of bobsled track behind the big waterfall before so many of the Matterhorn's openings were covered or changed.

  3. I like that you can see the Skyway Station in the background to the right of the Pirate Ship. Usually in photos it's to the left. I also like the angle view of the Canal Boats queue in it's old position. And lastly you can see the two different Character Foods stands in one view. A really nice and unusual view of Fantasyland.

    Rich, I really miss the more open pre-1978 Matterhorn. It really added to the excitement to see the movement of bobsleds on the different tiers while approaching it from the Hub Plaza down Matterhorn Way. Especially the two turnarounds at the top of the lift.

  4. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I think it was a rule back then that you had to carry your ticket book in your shirt pocket.

  5. SundayNight6:57 PM

    I know I bought tickets at that Tomorrowland ticket booth. Just needed one more E Ticket for a sub ride at night!

  6. SundayNight6:59 PM

    Ooops, that last comment was meant for daveland!

  7. Wow it looks like a very busy day! Loving all the bright colors and of course Miss Sunshine always shows them off so beautifully!!
