Friday, December 14, 2012

Instamatic Alice!

It's time for more Instamatic pix! You know 'em, you love 'em. Today we're going to focus on Alice and the White Rabbit. 

Everyone's hangin' out in front of the castle (or behind the castle, really), ready to greet their rabid fans. They remind me of R-Patz and K-Stew. The Mad Hatter is nearby, as is the balloon vendor, who has to wear the most humiliating costume in the history of Disney theme parks. 

I suspect that this next photo was taken a year or so later. Alice's costume has gotten more frilly, and the White Rabbit got contact lenses and false eyelashes. Celebrities! They all want to look youthful. He also pioneered the hop-hop fashion trend of wearing a large watch on a chain around the neck. I like the kid in the cavalry hat to the right.

And finally, another Alice (with another costume variation) marches down Main Street during a parade.  If you happened to be a young lady with long blond hair, there was a job waiting for you at Disneyland! 


  1. You know, all I think the balloon-seller's costume needs is just a down-sizing of that tie. Oh, and then there's that belt... and those buttons... Perhaps you're correct.

    Great shots, all.

  2. Ahhh, Alice...I've had a crush on her since I was about 4.

    I finally caught her eye in 2006, as we were winding our way down the foliage and outside Alice in Wonderland at Disneyland. She looked up from her passing parade float, smiled at me and waved as I waved back. Then our caterpillar turned the corner, and I never saw her again. [sob]

  3. Laughing out loud at that poor balloon vendor -- at first I wondered if he was supposed to be Tweedle Dee or Dum.

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Poor Balloon Vendor - we feel your pain. The internet haunts every role-playing employee from the past. You can thank Al Gore.

    Bill in Denver

  5. Yeah, the balloon vendor seriously doesn't appear happy. Yet if he'd only look up...he could probably play a tune on all those strings.

  6. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Paging Balloon Vendor #476: Please report to office of Happiest Place on Earth for additional training. That is all.

  7. Nanook, you can see the look on that guy's face… "Why ME?"

    Chuck, I think a lot of guys have a thing for Alice!

    Rich T, I would want to laugh, but it would just be too mean!

    Bill, the poor guy has no idea that people would be seeing his photo 45 years after the fact.

    Snow White Archive, my guess is that he is thinking of making a noose with those strings!

    Anonymous, the only things that will cheer this guy up are drugs.

  8. That third Alice looks like she might be wigging it. But maybe she's just not having a great hair day.

    All's I know is, her skirt never would have passed muster in parochial school.

  9. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The balloon vendor wanted to get a job on the Columbia , climbing up the rigging and shouting manly sea oriented things. But alas, he was made a balloon vendor and had to wear that silly costume with that oversized bow tie. “Oh well”, he thinks to himself, “Perhaps Knott’s needs a Calico Mine Train operator.”

  10. He looks pretty sad :(

  11. I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know any guys who have a thing for Alice...
