Saturday, December 15, 2012

Flag at half staff

46 years ago today, Walt Disney passed away at the age of 65. As a big admirer of Walt (surprise!), I can't help wondering what amazing things he might have accomplished had he lived another 5 or 10 years. But, rather than focusing on the negative, I'd rather be grateful for the many things that he created that still bring me happiness today.

My friend "Mr. X" visited Disneyland just two days after Walt's death (Walt passed on Thursday the 15th, Mr. X went to the park on Saturday, December 17th). Among the pictures that he snapped with his Kodak Instamatic are today's examples, clearly showing flags at half-staff in memoriam.

A Keystone Cop chats with a tour guide as the park prepares for a holiday parade. Did they really set up (and then remove) scores of folding chairs back then? Giant gift-wrapped packages sit nearby - I suspect that some of them are audio speakers in disguise.

Construction for the "New Tomorrowland" was in full swing, and the land was surrounded by colorful walls... just a bit of some wood framing is visible here. The Matterhorn is wearing its Christmas star, and the House of the Future still sits nearby.


  1. I assume the folding chairs are for VIP seating for the Candlelight Processional.

  2. That is one of those days I will always remember. Shocked, sad and wondering the fate of the Park.

  3. I still remember that day too. I thought it meant everything that Walt Disney created would cease to exist.

    In the 2nd pic, I like the bobsled on the turn-a-around just after the top of the lift. That exposed area no longer exists since 1978.

  4. The flag at half-staff is appropriate for today, too.

    Hug your kids, everybody. Hug them tight.

  5. Well said, Chuck.

    Always love seeing the Christmas star.
