Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Fantasyland Landscaping, August 1962

Around Sleeping Beauty Castle and parts of the Hub, you will find some of the loveliest landscaping in Disneyland - if you take the time to notice it. I'm usually in too much of a hurry myself, admittedly; so it's great to have these photos to remind me.

This first pretty scene shows a peaceful stream, with the Plaza Gardens in the background. I think I'll bring my fly fishing rig and see if I can land a rainbow trout!

I think this tranquil spot is the moat - there's the wishing well across the way. I wish for half a ham sammich on rye with provolone and spicy mustard. I think they should pave over that moat and put in more food carts and maybe another Meet 'N Greet.

Among the shrubs, trees and flowers you can just see Snow White's grotto. Press your ear to the computer screen and you might hear her singing in her girlish voice!


  1. "I think they should pave over that moat and put in more food carts and maybe another Meet 'N Greet".
    Hey, Buster - them's fightin' words-! That's where the new Sleeping Beauty underground flume ride is to be installed: "The wetter you get - the faster Sleeping Beauty awakens from her deep sleep..."

  2. These are great pix of the area in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. This is an area I always walk around in during the mid-afternoon to escape the crowds.

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I say this about all the pictures, and it's true, they are my favorite parts of the Park.

    But these really highlight the difference between Disneyland and other parks (including DCA). The extraordinary care and foresight (an essential part of landscape design) that is evident in the Park gardens.

    Disneyland really is a Park. Some parts really are the equal of high end parks, Butchart Gardens in Victoria Canada or Mirabel Gardens in Salzburg Austria, come to mind.

    Some of the old design has suffered due to remodeling, Tom Sawyers Island and the Astro Orbitor are notable insults, but many wonderful pieces still survive, like this place and the Jungle Cruise.

    Thank you Major, for reminding us of the quiet beauty of the gardens. Some times we can even still appreciate them in real life.


  4. Anonymous - Thank you for reinforcing, once again, the planned beauty that was a part of the original design of Disneyland. I just returned from WDW (and its Magic Kingdom), and although I appreciate both parks - often for entirely different reasons - the examples depicted here confirm the importance of careful planning of which landscaping plays a major part.

    Although the "size limitations" of The Happiest Place On Earth can frustrate those charged with future changes, it clearly created an environment that is often the envy of the theme park world. And for good reason - as can not only be viewed here, but experienced first-hand when walking through the park.

    I was first introduced to the term "park", used to describe Disneyland by upper management cast members, when I was only 11 years old. It may have been created merely for verbal shorthand, but clearly it's meaning goes much deeper than that.

  5. Better yet, staff the food carts with characters and kill two birds with one stone. Wouldn't you pay more for a churro if it came with a kiss from Ariel?

  6. I'm sorry Nanook, but I need more places to buy bottled water. That dumb moat is boring! ;-)

    K. Martinez, it does look awfully pretty in these pix… not sure if it's quite so nice today.

    JG, you can really see the influence of Copenhagen's Tivoli Gardens, with so much landscaping making Disneyland so beautiful in some places. I wish DCA had more landscaping, it would really make all the difference.

    Nanook again, it must be hard for today's designers, I'm sure they would love to make everything as elaborate and beautiful as possible, but the "sharp pencil boys" keep chipping away at every idea.

    Melissa, your idea is awesome, but just think of poor Ariel! I wouldn't want her job!! (Hey, didn't you just go to WDW?).

  7. I love the lack of hand railing, because once upon a time, most people knew how to not trample plants and flowers and simply ENJOY the look of things like this. Now, if there isn't a railing and a sign saying KEEP OFF, it's someone's nap area or a play area for someone's kids (can't blame them - it is the idiot parents' fault).

  8. Major, I got back on Monday!

  9. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Ha, Major, I completely overlooked Tivoli, which is definitely a family forebear of Disneyland.

    I was only in Kobenhavn once, and Tivoli had closed the week before. I hope to get back someday.

