Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Pair From August 1958

Today's first photo is a neat one, taken from the 2nd story veranda of the old Plantation House, overlooking the Rivers of America. I'm not sure I have any other pictures in my collection shot from up there! The elevated vantage point affords us a great view of the Columbia in the distance and the trout-fishing dock to the left, as well as Rainbow Ridge and the small riverside bandstand to the right.

Next is a pretty nice picture of Main Street Station, complete with the Kalamazoo hand car, and a kid excitedly pointing at the poster for the Autopia!


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    That little guy CAN'T WAIT to drive a car at Disneyland!!!!

    Bill in Denver

  2. That first picture is worth a million. An unusual angle, a sweeping view of a ton of great old attractions, and taken from a spot you can't get to any more. Beautiful!

  3. The Frontierland pic is perfect. Just think of all the abandoned smelly trout caught at that fishing dock.

    At the Main Street Station: Look ma! Let's ride the red car. It matches the color of my shirt!

  4. Vote #3 for the unique picture taken from the Plantation House, complete with a view of the tops of the town of Rainbow Ridge.

  5. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Excellent and rare.

    That view may still be somewhat available from Club 33, not that I'm one of the inner circle who could confirm it.

    I love that kid. I was just like that once.

    Thank you Major, real nice pics today.


  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Kid in pic #2:
    “Dad when we get back from the hotel I wanna ride this!”

  7. For someone who was not lucky enough to have been at Disneyland back then, the view of Frontierland gives me an excellent idea of exactly where these things where that I never got to enjoy in person. Love it!!

    The second image is the perfect picture of the feeling I get when I know I am going to Disneyland!

  8. The Columbia/Mark Twain dock is one of the very few Disneyland spaces that remain virtually unchanged since was back.
