Tuesday, May 04, 2010

New York World's Fair, Clairol Pavilion & More

For no particular reason, I am featuring images of the 1964 New York World's Fair's Clairol Pavilion.

Although it looks nice in this early-evening photo, the Clairol Pavilion would ordinarily be of little interest to me. But that little sign (which you can't read) says "ENTRANCE - Color Carousel Is For Adult Women Only". NOW I'm interested! Lingerie? Pillow fights? Truth or dare?

Just to give you some context, there's the Clairol building near the "Fountain of the Planets". Just out of frame out our left would be the Progressland building, while the red-domed Traveler's Insurance building is to the right. This photo was probably taken from the top of the "Better Living Center".

Here's a description from the wonderfully helpful website http://www.nywf64.com/; Designed for women only, the carousel encloses a revolving turntable, divided into 38 individual booths in which the film is shown. Elsewhere, ladies may peer into a mirrored device to see themselves in several different hair colors, and beauty consultants provide formulas for the colors desired. Well that doesn't sound spicy at all! The women can have it. There's the Better Living Center in the background...

... and here it is close up. You could ride up the elevator in the Life-Saver tower for a great view like photo #2, and then descend a ramp inside the building to view various displays including the "Palace of Fashion", a "Dream House", the "Ladies Haven", and a 15 minute animated film starring Elsie the Cow.


  1. Just today my mum saw a container of Borden's milk and said, "Elsie the Cow. I remember, from way back. Still producing after all these years, they're really milking her!" Now I read there was a 15 min animated film used at the NY World's Fair with Elsie the Cow. Like they said, also at the NY World's Fair, it's a small world after all.

  2. Gonna pass on today's blog. Ladies Only, which is just as well. No matter how much Clairol I used, I'd still come out looking like Bugs Bunny in drag.

  3. I wonder how that revolving turntable divided into 38 individual viewing booths worked? Maybe the film wasn't running simultaneously in each booth....like the audio on an omnimover vehicle perhaps?

  4. so very cool....you post them coz we all love the Fair!

    it looks like Miss America's crown or something, three great views.

    the Better Living Center, quite a large building and neat-o on the elevator.

    every time i see photos like this, makes me more depressed each time that my parents werent interested in going (we dont live that far from NYC :(

  5. bubbagoes2anaheim10:53 PM

    Cool architecture for that building, for the time.
    Love those kiddie cars in shots 1 (blue one parked) and 3 (red one being driven behind people). Were those available for kids (don't remember seeing that any place before)?

  6. bubba, those were strollers that looked like Jaguar automobiles!

  7. EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! EXCELLENT! What a place. Amazing!

  8. I will never forget going to the Clairol Pavilion! It was so cool looking into these machines and seeing myself as a blond! I was an 8 year old girl with very dark brown hair. It is one of my favorite memories of going to the World's Fair!

  9. Thanks for sharing your memories, Lisa! I wish I had been to the fair (though boys might not have appreciated the Clairol Pavilion so much).
