Monday, May 03, 2010

Golden Horseshoe Revue, July 17 1968 (Part 3)

Here's part three of my Golden Horseshoe Revue series! See part one here, and part two here.

Fulton Burley has a 1000 watt smile as he introduces the one and only Wally Boag! He's got his carpet bag with him, so you know right away he's up to something.

One of Wally's trademark bits was making balloon animals, which I believe he gave to kids in the audience. This one's a bunny! Or maybe an anteater. I love that painted backdrop with vignettes from the story of Pecos Bill (from the movie "Melody Time").

You should see these slides, the photographer included an amazing amount of information: Wally Boag shows Fulton Burley that he is the fastest gun in the west. Pespi-Cola's Golden Horseshoe Revue, Disneyland, Anaheim, Calif. Yes, that's actually written on the slide! The other side has the film speed and apeture information as well as the exact date. Amazing.


  1. Wally's perfect in that last shot - outrageous chaffs, hat and perfect pose for the audience to really "read" his fun characterization. Yet this was the what, 5,000th time he did the show? A gem it was.

  2. ps... what was the film speed etc?

  3. David - could you ask Wally to step aside so that we can see the curtain? Wow...what great images!

  4. Chiana is commenting at 2 in the morning, Dave at 4:30. Whew! Dave, I will pass along your message.

    Chiana, the slide says "D-ASA 64; 1/100 @ f/8F". Did you really need to know?

  5. I love those Pecos Bill vignettes. He's smoking in every one.

  6. These are so well taken that the photographer wanted to document everything! Daveland: do you think that aperture setting is correct???

  7. very cool pics today
    wish i had seen it for myself ;-)

    thanks for sharing!

  8. Wally's cheeks look a little full in that last shot. I wonder if this was right before the "spitting out the teeth" gag?

  9. Oh yes Maj, it was necessary to have technical minutia proving these images were forged with hard won expertise and skill in order to view these images with a countenance chiseled with the respect of a General beholding a fortress bristling with big guns and other grim armaments. Because that's the face before which Wally Boag toting a carpet bag is most needed.

    Well... it was a silly question! :p

    TokyoMagic: sure looks like it. :)

  10. bubbagoes2anaheim11:00 PM

    More great images that weren't even included in the recent, very thorough book about Wally - Great book, too!

  11. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Many thanks for your kind comments about the book, "Wally Boag Clown Prince of Disneyland." We went through hundrerds of photos for inclusion in the book and regret there just wasn't room for more.
    Nonethelss, we were fortunate that Wally saved everything from the time he was a child until he finally hung up his spurs and bagpipes and retired.

  12. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Doe ' s anybody have any videos of the show, I miss my friends and would like to see them again in action.
