Friday, August 21, 2009

Rainy Tomorrowland, 1971

I don't bring you very many photos from the 1970's, but today's first example is a primo specimen!

It's late afternoon on a winter's day; a brief downpour has just passed through Anaheim, but the sky is now bright blue with some clouds still scudding across it. The Matterhorn is sporting its seasonal starry topper, while the rectangular Skyway buckets move silently overhead. It's very unusual to see the Disneyland crowd so bundled up, it seems that everyone is wearing an overcoat or jacket. The wet pavement adds an interesting look to Tomorrowland.

This lady clearly does not believe in smiling for the camera. You'd think she was at a funeral, fer cripes sake. Perhaps her plastic rain bonnet is too tight? Actually, she reminds me of my elder relatives in the midwest; lovely, kind, funny people, but at first glance you might think they were meanies.

Uh oh, maybe the rain hasn't gone completely away just yet...


  1. Hi everyone it's me, the commentarious (ah I just coined a new word!) entity formerly just known as Chiana, now sporting a suitable suffix. Y'can still jes' call me Chiana and I won't hold it against you...

    The sky (and pavement) has seldom been cleaner than these shots but it seems a bit drab in Tomorrowland. Or so aunt Vernon seems to feel it is. Raining, and not a cheap plastic raincoat in sight...

  2. Daily reader12:13 AM

    That's her in the first photo with the family. Seems to be smiling there, a little. Cold and wet, let's ride the subs.

    Love the stark late afternoon Winter lighting with wet paving.

    Simple black asphalt on the ground, couldn't get away with that anymore.

  3. Major, could you please pan to the right just a little (alas, I know you can't) so we can see more of the Rolly Crump double wide ticket booth?

  4. ill bet her slippers are wet....hence, no smile from Aunt Grumpy today

    i do love pics from the 70s, as you know, so thanks for these!
