Thursday, August 20, 2009

Clock of the World, 1955

There's just one photo for you today, kids. But it's got quality. Quality up the ying yang! It is from a small batch of glass-mounted oversized color slides from 1955, each of which has required a considerable amount of color correction and cleanup.

When this grandma was a little girl, she would have never imagined seeing such a crazy clock like Disneyland's classic "Clock of the World"! Just think, she was certainly born in the previous century, before automobiles and televisions. I used to think of all the changes my own grandmother saw in her lifetime. Anyway, Tomorrowland looks very small and unfinished here, but I would give my eye teeth to be able to see it the way it was back then!

To see the other slides from this lot, click here and here!


  1. 1955 and Tomorrowland still had that new rocket smell, and kooky clocks, and tiny wire fences, and benches with extra legs. What goes on there anyway? I see the feet, but there's no head.

    Love all the tucked in shirts and the pretty Summer dresses, and everyone is normal sized. And they all seem to be heading for the rocketship to see what the future is like.

  2. Oh that was grandpa on the bench. Gramma took the place in stride but it blew grandpa's head clean off! And she's thinkin' "dag gummit. Now who am I gonna git to run me home 'fore the pot roast is over done."

    Ladies in plain dresses, shirt and pants and fancy dresses (last two together behind clock to our right). As often the case I like people watchin' much as the scene.

    They've already spruced the building on the left (Circlerama?) up a bit compared to a few other '55 snaps we've seen.

  3. As I have said before, The World Clock is without a doubt the "Ultimate Disneyland Icon" for me. And this has to be one of the finest pictures of it I have seen.

    Major, I cannot describe to you how good this picture makes me feel. It puts me in a time and place that I will never forget.

    All is appreciated, Richard.

  4. Sorry, I was tipsy when I posted that comment above.

    I just love those pretty dresses though !

  5. A daily reader2:19 PM


    Have you had a look at the 1956 home movie Jeff Altman just posted? It's like your daily scans, 'cept it moves!

  6. :D you know, i feel bad for the folks who dont wake up to see what treat the Major has in store for us...i NEVER fail to smile when i read the first few lines of your commentary!

    too bad the Clock is no longer there to greet us in Tomorrowland

    i always think that about my gram, too...she lived from 1908 till 2004and when i realize how many things she saw invented its pretty darn amazing!!!

  7. Chiana, I didn't even notice the disembodied legs!

    Daily Reader, yes I did see that video this morning (seems it is going around today), it is really amazing.

    Thanks also to TokyoMagic!, Richard, Wow, and Nancy!
