Thursday, July 02, 2009

3 Frontierland Views, April 1962

I've salvaged these three photos of Frontierland from my old boxes of slides. Desperate times call for desperate measures. These were considered rejects back in the day, but now they don't look so bad to me!

There's that wacky suspension bridge on Tom Sawyer Island; the boy with the close-cropped buzz cut is our hero. The kid that he is right behind is real Krelborn, daddy-o! Nice shoes though.

People are just ka-razy about the Mark Twain, the boat is carrying a full load, and there's a big crowd waiting for the next opportunity to board. Even that raft in the distance looks crowded. If you could only see to the extreme left (out of the frame), you'd see Frontierland is nothing but piles of dirt.

And lastly, a look at brother and sis looking mighty pleased with themselves, having braved the caves and the circuitous staircase up to the top of Castle Rock. I haven't been on Tom Sawyer Island for a while, I hope it still evokes that sense of exploration and adventure that it used to!


  1. These are in NO WAY rejects! I hope we eventually get to see everything in your "reject" box, Major!

    That first kid on the suspenison bridge looks like he might be trying to shake it....and is he wearing red socks???

  2. Thanks for the nice words TokyoMagic!, but do you really want to see 1000 more photos of the castle, the Mark Twain, and the Pirate Ship, all virtually identical to many images already seen?? I don't think so! ;-)

  3. I heart rejects12:45 AM

    Try us. These photos are of a whole other time and, in most instances, place. Anything from those early days that shows the wholesome, neatly dressed folks enjoying Walt's Park at the same time that he did is endlessly fascinating.

    Bring on the reject stack. Serve 'em up, three a day. No complaints here. We'll let you know when it gets dull.

  4. Okay, I haven't gone to bed yet. I have to say I heartily agree with "I heart rejects." Try us, Major...just try us!

    And now it's time for bed...goodnight!

  5. 'night TM. :)

    They are fun to me too. Never noticed they got the edges of the boards on that bridge to vary so much... interesting task: make a rustic rickety suspension bridge, but oh yeah make it safe for kids and durable...

    Dirt and all, everyone seems real happy on the ol Mark Twain, except that guy in the blue checker shirt. He is blue because he left his baby behind on the shore. True they are still at the dock but he already misses her.

    Perhaps the island today is supposed to evoke the urge to buy Pirates of the Caribbean movie merchandise and show that some folks in more recent years can't build a wooden fort that doesn't look like it was meant for Chuck E Cheese, but maybe it'll still have some of its old charms?

  6. Nothing better than some very cool Disneyland reject pics. There all good!

  7. Very cool ! Love this

  8. Anybody spot it? You can see the Haunted Mansion building under construction. Only the steel framing seems to be there at this point.

  9. Never mind. That's the water sluice. (color face RED)

  10. yes, i agree...these are great visits down memory lane

    the two kids there conquering Castle Rock...priceless! those smiles say A LOT :D

  11. The perspective on the first shot is interesting. The photographer is well out beyond the bridge head - or perhaps using a zoom lens from another point. Either way, these are pretty enjoyable! Thanks.

  12. Anonymous11:51 AM

    That "wacky" suspension bridge gave me nightmares for years!
