Monday, June 08, 2009

Knott's Berry Farm Train, 1952

I love Disneyland's 5/8 scale, narrow-gauge steam trains, but there is something very impressive about the full-sized locomotives at Knott's Berry Farm. Those things are just huge! Here's old number 40, the "Gold Nugget", waiting by the water tower. This angle interests me because I'm not sure what that building in the distance is. Eventually the Calico Mine Train would be built there, but judging by the outdoor lights, that must be the old horse arena. Cool!

Here's another great photo of the same gleaming locomotive, but this time the family wants to be in the picture. I can't explain why, but I love these photos of people from that era. I try to imagine their daily lives, with all of the things that typical Americans did in those days. It was a different world!


  1. Very impressive trains, and I do give Knotts stock for keeping their railroad and related goodies. It must be very expensive and challenging but is something to see. One doesn't realize the scope of such a locomotive (Knotts or Disneyland for that matter) until they see 'em in person.

    What early pictures of Knotts. Pre Calico Mine Ride. What say those folks enjoyed a wonderful chicken dinner and boysenberry pie? mm!

  2. Great early Knott's photos! I do love that BIG train, funny thing, last time I rode it, it was much slower than Disneyland trains, probably because there's room to open up the throttle!

    Same here with being fascinated with the daily lives of typical families of this era, think about it, no bottled water in the air conditioned cars, no cell phones, expensive camera's that used FILM? No Email, No Fax, No VCR/DVR.... I guess the big question is; was "simpler" better?

    Thanks for the fun Knott's Post!

  3. Awesome KBF train pics, It was a very different time then. People just wanted to get out and have fun. After all, WWII had been over for just a few years and the Korean War was in full swing. Sitting around the house at this time was not an option.

  4. In the first photo, what are the yellow flowers in the background?

    They *look* like yellow hybrid calla lilies, but I didn't think they were available til the 1980s. Any horticulturalists?

  5. pretty pictures! i have always enjoyed riding on a train when i get a chance

    i often marvel at how much technical innovention my gram, who passed in 2002 at the age of 95, saw in her lifetime. sometimes, tho, i do wish things were simpler these days in some ways
