Thursday, February 26, 2009

Three from June 1965

Nothing says "the world of tomorrow" quite like an old-fashioned marching band! This is especially amusing, because nowadays bands float rather than march, wearing anti-gravity suits. They are just about to march past the Art Corner (I think), maybe they will pick up a "Sleeping Beauty" cel for you if you are really nice.

Gee, from way up here in my Skyway bucket, the people down below look like ants. Ants riding in giant caterpillars. Or maybe I've been shrinkified!

I labeled this one "Hills Bros.", but have no idea if it was really taken over at the Coffee Garden or not. Any suggestions? Maybe it's not even in Disneyland. All I know is that there are lots of older ladies, and that's good enough for me.


  1. There's another one of those Alice ride operators actually dressed as Alice. Too cool!

  2. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Aw no bands don't march today and they don't float either. After they marched, they'd swing. Then they rocked and rolled instead. Around the clock sometimes. Now they only rock. Except at Disneyland. Where they still can march. That's Walt for ya. Walt gave them their marching orders. They marched! But in Main Street you can get a root beer to float I think...

    That Alice pic is neato! I wanna go sneak under one of those umbrellas cropping up like mushrooms and watch the Alice ride a bit.

    Can't ident that bottom pic.

  3. Don't know about the gathering of old ladies, but definitely not the
    Hills Brothers I remember. Great TL band pic and AIW iss very cool. Thank you.

  4. that picture of alice and fantasyland is exactly the reason they need to bust open the matterhorn, put the towers back up and let us enjoy the view. while they are at it, put the peoplemover back where it belongs too!

    that may be one of the better pictures i have ever seen of alice and environ.

    oh, as a lover of the coffee
    good post however, keep up the good work.

  5. I just noticed that one of the doors to the caterpillar storage area is open. I love the old Alice attraction....and old photos of it! Thanks, Major!

  6. This is the first Disneyland post that brought a tear to my eye... I used to have several Sleeping Beauty Cels bought at Disneyland (including Aurora and the Mock Prince dancing...) but I had to sell them to pay for an Appendectomy.

    I still regularly haunt the Van Eaton Gallery website on the faint hope somebody else has put them back on the market. *sigh*

    As for the old ladies' picknick, any chance it's the old picknick grounds on the west side of the park outside the berm? We always bought food inside the park, so I never visited.

  7. I think it's the picnic grounds. We used to bring food in coolers. Much better than most of the food in the park.

  8. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Alice was getting very tired of sitting at the control panel, and of having to start and stop the gigantic caterpillar cars ... so she broke free and ran over to Pirates of the Caribbean, where she cavorted wildly, flashing her pantalettes and squealing with joy at the unwary guests. As for that last picture, it may be the Disneyland picnic grounds, but it is also most definitely a coven meeting! I believe that to be a rare picture of Rosemary and her baby!

  9. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Really like that Tomorrowland pic. Somehow the marching band (so Main Streetish) in Tomorrowland next to those atom bubbles on the wall and the stylized umbrellas….wow what a picture!

  10. i love the 'flying saucers' hovering over the benches there to give a break from the intense SoCal sunshine. and i agree with you SundayNight, this makes for an unusual image...

    maybe they are looking for Abe....

    i love the Alice in Wonderland ride (one i wish we had at WDW) is so colorful. this is one of the best pictures ive seen :)

  11. You know, I am wondering if the "old" parade route didn't start Backstage east of Main Street, then traveled up Main Street, turned right thru Tomorrowland, and then turned right again into Backstage.

    That way the band doesn't get stranded on stage somewhere.

  12. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I'll say this is the west side picnic grounds outside the gate.

    --Former Hill's Bros. cast member.
