Friday, February 27, 2009

Family in Disneyland, July 19, 1960

The following three images were the only Disneyland photos in a big batch of medium-format slides. Unfortunately they were Ektachrome, and had turned vivid magenta. I could sort of restore the first one, but the other two were just too far gone.

Here's our little family, just about to buy their tickets. The two little girls are wearing their flounciest dresses in honor of the occasion. Junior looks like he's not too sure about this Disneyland place, and he's ready to run. Gramps looks natty with that fedora, which only leaves his head when he's extremely surprised.

Yep, this one was too far gone, so you get to see it in sepia-tone. The family has stopped at a souvenir stand, I'm guessing it was the one near the Carrousel in Fantasyland. Little sis is checking out the selection of postcards, while the other kids admire the giant pencils and felt pennants. Mom's going to buy a guidebook!

Here's a fun photo of the old entrance to the Jungle Cruise. I love the sign, it looks like it has been painted on a stretched animal skin. Are those some sort of tall paper lanterns flanking that sign? There doesn't appear to be much of a line, but I wouldn't go into that inky blackness for all the tea in China!


  1. kids just don't dress like this any more. my daughters wearing a dress to disneyland ~ right.

    what i wouldn't give to have access to that post card display in the second picture. yummmy

  2. The Mom in this picture is wearing "church shoes" with heels... I bet her feet were really sore by the time they were done. Ouch.

  3. Nice ticket booth shots! That Jungle Cruise entrance is fun, love that skin-sign! I want Gramdpa's fedora so I can look natty too.

  4. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I'm drooling over the jumbo postcards in the rack!

  5. Anonymous11:45 AM

    A natty fedora and a snazzy purse! They don't make grandpas like that anymore!

  6. i rememeber wearing dresses like that to places like the zoo but never to the amusement park...

    my feet hurt when i wear tennis shoes! :(

    i want the guide book AND the postcards....and a pennant would be nice, too. that is one thing that i dont have
