Saturday, January 10, 2009

Frontierland & Main Street, March 1958

I've said it before and I'll say it again: When you've looked at 3 zillion images of Disneyland, anything different is good! Which is why I like this photo, taken aboard one of the open-air freight cars. Some passengers are disembarking, looking none the worse for wear after experiencing the train's corkscrew loop and encounter with King Kong. Love the water tower, which was functional as well as a great piece of old-timey decor. I am also fond of that reddish-brown paint on the train... when the 1970's roll around, I think I'll have a suit made in that exact hue.

These ladies were so excited to be at Disneyland that their very molecules vibrated, making them appear blurry. You can see a piece of Frontierland Station, and further back, a whole lotta not much! Benches. White picket fences. A pergola of some kind. You can even see some Jungle Cruise foliage.

And, just because I'm feelin' sassy, here's an extra picture of Town Square. I still love the way the juxtaposition of an turn-of-the-century Main Street and the fairy tale castle somehow works, as crazy at it is! Only a few of the midwest towns had medieval castles in real life.


  1. Those first two Frontierland Depot shots are great; that area has changed so much that it is almost unrecognizable now.

  2. To see a real Santa Fe RR logo on the water tower is great.

  3. You know, your commentary is a scream....

    And who ever thought that the "primer red" on the train car would be fashionable for men's clothing in just a few years.

  4. The first two photos are really wonderful. The area behind the two women appears to be Magnolia Park. And though we've seen it before, it's always a little charming to see the drinking fountain (on the left) with the 'apple box' step for the little ones.

  5. it looks as tho someone has stopped for a quick nap on the bench in town square.....

  6. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Catching up (again)...

    What I'm struck by is how nice the place these pics present is to be at. Everything about it, the people, the places for 'em and the transportation for 'em. A truly great place to be at.

  7. I adore the last picture. Quite a beautiful shot of Main Street U.S.A. Because those trees around the flag poll have grown in, it looks so much smaller now. The Horse-Drawn Trolley Cast Member costumes haven't changed in all this time. Amazing!
