Friday, January 09, 2009

Fantasyland, July 25 1961

I always love it when photographers give you the exact date of their visit to Disneyland! Why? Because I am crazy. There, I said it. Are you happy now?

Anyway, I've got three swell pictures of Fantasyland today. Sleeping Beauty Castle is lookin' good here... you can see the wire that Tinker Bell used when she ran out of pixie dust. Best of all, we have a little nun action going on in the foreground! She has the classic, "What do I want to do next?" pose; I hope she isn't one of those naughty nuns that I have heard about!

July 25th is generally a busy time at Disneyland., and that was certainly true in 1961. What wonders could be had in Tinker Bell's Toy Shop? It boggles the mind. I want (or maybe even need) a giant novelty pencil! There's the exit to the castle walk-thru, recently restored to its former glory. And even the trash cans continue the "medieval faire" theme, looking like the colorful tents that the dark-ride exteriors emulated.

Hey, shouldn't you people be standing in line somewhere?


  1. And then there was Nun.....she might have been thinking about smacking some little kid with one of those large novelty pencils!

    In the third photo, there is a doorway with a curtain sort of blowing in the wind on the second level of the castle. I wonder what that was for?

  2. upstairs at the castle...there was to have been a space for walt that did become the home of the disneyland phone operators. fact/fiction (?) ; but that doorway shot is interesting.

  3. Major- What you call the exit is the entrance to the Sleeping Beauty Castle. The hallway next to it is the exit path to Frontierland.

  4. I love the hat on the lady in the second picture!

  5. i want a paper Disneyland cone hat, too..... ;D

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Happy New Year, Major!

    Glad to see you didn't run out of hi-larious commentary in your first 900 posts. I am happy now.


  7. I suspect the sister is thinking "I am having too much fun here. Is it a matter for confession?"

  8. Finer pics of FL I have not seen. Very nice.
