Monday, April 28, 2008

Tomorrowland, December 29 1956

Well, it's just one measley image for you today. But if you're only going to post one photo, what could be better than a picture of Tomorrowland, circa 1956? Especially on a bright, sunny day like December 29th was. Just visible to our extreme right is the show building for the 20,000 Leagues walk-thru. I believe that the Crane Bathroom of Tomorrow was just around the corner from that! And of course there's all the usual stuff that we've seen so many times. Look closely and you'll see the Autopia car that was on display, while the Flight Circle is just visible behind that.


  1. Awesome post Major, this is the exact Tomorrowland I have dreams about walking thru. It looks so inviting. Nice Frontierland poster! Thanks!

  2. Absolutely spectacular!!! What a truly historic picture. The absolute KODAK moment. Thanks Major.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Great pic as usual, Major. Any chance we'll see that big version of your April 1st masterpiece soon?

    Many Thanks!

  4. Does anyone know what all of the (what look like) swingset poles are for?

    In the group closest to us people are sitting on a bench. The other one is around the Autopia car...

  5. Thanks for your nice comments, folks. Biblioadonis, I think the "swingset poles" support those funny "coolie hat" shaped shades that you see throughout Tomorrowland in those days.

    Ron, I totally forgot about the April 1 repost, I'll try to remember to put up a larger version this weekend. Thanks for reminding me!
